TNP is good people

I like TNP. I think we have the most diverse and interesting community in Nationstates, and when it's active there's no place more fun. Well that's why I keep coming back anyway.
I think he was semi-honest :P

And I'll save my vote until I see the other candidates...
Hey, what most of you may not remember (what with not being here and all) is that JAL's first delegacy was a lot of fun, and he didn't do a half-bad job. (Up until that last few hours, when he accidentally ejected several hundred nations and got himself deleted.) This place was reasonably active, fun, and I don't remember nearly this much pointless bickering.

(Not saying we should put him back in office, but he certainly wasn't the worst delegate I've seen around here. :P )
Whatever office you are running for. You have my vote.

I throw my unwavering approval behind anything you say or do.