NPA Update 28/07/2012


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The North Pacific Army continues to be an active force defending our allies and regional interest in its honourable work. Having recently won re-election to the Council of Five, I will continue to lead our army and ensure that it always acts honourably and with regional interests at heart, and of course that the NPA community continues to enjoy the work that it does. In a fortnight or so, I will be celebrating 4 months as The North Pacific's Minister for Defence.

Goauld System Lords
The NPA continues to protect Goauld System lords with native consent. It has been a long deployment, but the NPA will remain there until such a stage that the region's natives are protected from the constant raids that damage it.

St Abbaddon
The North Pacific Army assisted the United Defenders League and other allies in liberating St Abbaddon. I am pleased that some soldiers were able to assist with this, but I would like to see greater NPA soldier turn out at update in future.

The NPA Act
With the survey now completed, the cabinet proposed an act that would give legal sanctions on what the NPA can and cannot do. The introduction of the act to the Regional Assembly led to the introduction of alternative proposals and heated debate. It is my hope that this will be resolved soon, but also that these proposals do not limit the NPA from growing in activity and strength.

The Telegram Campaign
Following the Delegate's short absence from nationstates, The North Pacific faced a endorsement telegram campaign against the Delegate, that aimed to push the Vice Delegate into the Delegate seat unwillingly. Thankfully I was able to request the return of some troops to increase the Delegate's endorsement count. We also thank our allies, and the region as a whole who pulled together and unified to prevent these faceless men from bringing disunity to our region. There was two independent people working on this campaign, one was the infamous Durkadurkiranistan or JAL, and the other individual we have our suspicions but no admittance of guilt. The NPA and its allies contributed greatly to protecting the regional security of The North Pacific, as it should and as it always will.

The North Pacific Army's should be above politics and the counter-productive games that come with it. It is about protecting our allies, and about retaining a strong sense of independence from organisations external to our interests. The NPA will always maintain a strong sense of accountability to the region and its assembly. The Army comprises of people, and it exists for the people. We are more than an army, we are a community, a community for TNP.

That is all from The North Pacific Army for this update. Thank you for reading.

Thank You.

Minister for Defence