[Complete]AT VOTE: Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata" [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#42
Proposed by: Milograd

Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata":
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #42: Condemn Kalasparata shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


RECOGNIZING that Kalasparata was condemned for being a threat to global peace, for disregarding human life, and for wantonly utilizing weapons of mass destruction,

ACKNOWLEDGING that the nation of Kalasparata ceased to exist after the World Assembly Security Council condemned it, and thus can no longer commit human rights violations, recklessly use weapons of mass destruction, or exist as a threat to global peace,

NOTING that, contrary to what Security Council Resolution #42 states, Kalasparata was never truly a formidable threat, insofar as its military and strategic arsenal was rather small in comparison to many of the world's nations,

FURTHER NOTING that the validity of the claims regarding Kalasparata's human rights violations and the scale of them are questionable, since these reports were often not confirmed by outside sources or made elsewhere other than in arguably biased factbooks and articles concerning national information,

REALIZING that the condemnation of Kalasparata fails to acknowledge the many positive aspects of Kalasparata's society, such as the fact that the government was fairly liberal and democratic,

BELIEVING that resolutions that are outdated, misleading and superfluous deserve to be repealed,

HEREBY REPEALS the condemnation of Kalasparata.
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata", repeals "Condemn Kalasparta", SC#42 which condemned Kalasparta for a long list of crimes against humanity -- including its treatment of criminals which included unnecessary and painful surgery, organized car collisions and exposure to biological hazards and extremely bad living conditions, in addition to the nation's child abuse, antimatter use, human trafficking, obstruction of International waters and abduction of citizens. On *paper*, the condemnation for Kalasparta, makes perfect sense -- it sounds like a horrible pariah state by most people's definition.

The problem that "Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"" highlights is: Kalasparta rarely roleplayed its nation actually having done any of this; whereas countries like Automagfreek or Milograd, have been condemned for similar track records, they've both had long careers to roleplay the ins and outs of their nation and the story of their nations. On the other hand, Kalasparta, hardly committed to any sort of developed roleplay of their nation -- they simply bragged about random bad characteristics of their nation as a player or in their factbook and this sufficed as evidence in Condemn Kalasparta.

Obviously, if a nation does what Kalasparta alleged did, it would probably well deserve a condemnation. But *any* nation could receive a condemnation if it did as little as Kalasparta did to warrant one: as a player, Kalasparta bragged about his nation and the characteristics he described were formulated into this resolution. As players, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, believes that condemnations for a roleplayed nation belong only for those nations that have taken the time to actually roleplay well and consistently. As an in-character body, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs believes when seeking a condemnation there needs to be corroboration of the cited events actually occurring -- a few off-the-cuff remarks by the head of state proves little; a substantial roleplay and the inclusion of other actors in the roleplay would help to provide corroboration of the events. "Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"" shares our opinion.

The issue for people to consider is whether: on an out-of-out-character level, do you believe that roleplayed condemnations should only apply to "good" roleplayers who put effort into roleplaying their nation? And furthermore, in-character, you may decide whether or not a simple statement of policies by the head of the state is enough corroboration on which to base a condemnation?

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has (1) thus recommended that the delegate vote "FOR" Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata", and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata", repeals "Condemn Kalasparta", SC#42 which condemned Kalasparta for a long list of crimes against humanity -- including its treatment of criminals which included unnecessary and painful surgery, organized car collisions and exposure to biological hazards and extremely bad living conditions, in addition to the nation's child abuse, antimatter use, human trafficking, obstruction of International waters and abduction of citizens. On *paper*, the condemnation for Kalasparta, makes perfect sense -- it sounds like a horrible pariah state by most people's definition.

The problem that "Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"" highlights is: Kalasparta rarely roleplayed its nation actually having done any of this; whereas countries like Automagfreek or Milograd, have been condemned for similar track records, they've both had long careers to roleplay the ins and outs of their nation and the story of their nations. On the other hand, Kalasparta, hardly committed to any sort of developed roleplay of their nation -- they simply bragged about random bad characteristics of their nation as a player or in their factbook and this sufficed as evidence in Condemn Kalasparta.

Obviously, if a nation does what Kalasparta alleged did, it would probably well deserve a condemnation. But *any* nation could receive a condemnation if it did as little as Kalasparta did to warrant one: as a player, Kalasparta bragged about his nation and the characteristics he described were formulated into this resolution. As players, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, believes that condemnations for a roleplayed nation belong only for those nations that have taken the time to actually roleplay well and consistently. As an in-character body, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs believes when seeking a condemnation there needs to be corroboration of the cited events actually occurring -- a few off-the-cuff remarks by the head of state proves little; a substantial roleplay and the inclusion of other actors in the roleplay would help to provide corroboration of the events. "Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata"" shares our opinion.

The issue for people to consider is whether: on an out-of-out-character level, do you believe that roleplayed condemnations should only apply to "good" roleplayers who put effort into roleplaying their nation? And furthermore, in-character, you may decide whether or not a simple statement of policies by the head of the state is enough corroboration on which to base a condemnation?

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has (1) thus recommended that the delegate vote "FOR" Repeal "Condemn Kalasparata", and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
Sending out IFV.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.