The United Alliance ( relayed application for an embassy)


Garde à l'eau!
Greetings Friend

Hello I am the founder of The United Alliance, I would like an embassy with your region. Your WA Delegate sent me a TG stating I just talk to you on this matter is that correct? If so I would like to formally tell you why we should have embassies, our region is a democratic region with a different kind of government than most regions. We have a regional counsel that elects a WA Delegate which has regional power, but not too much. We have a guides with us to make sure we won’t fall victim to anything that might take our region apart, such as my friend The Wonderful Shapes and Sizes of Dernovia, and The Federation of African Colone.
I would like you to send me a TG with your answer; we can talk a little more if you like?


The Republic of TUA Founder

I will get this application formalized ASAP after the initial protocol has been completed.

I will accept the request if instructed to do so by the Minister. I trust that the Minister is following a reasonable and consistent policy on such matters of course.
Hello I represent The United Alliance, our forum is down at the moment due to problems. I have my freind Lupus Dominatus working on the matter. I hope we can get it up and running so we can talk more,


Dernovia-WA Delegate
I will accept the request if instructed to do so by the Minister. I trust that the Minister is following a reasonable and consistent policy on such matters of course.
That I am. I was just running through the constitution, legal code and existing treaties, etc., for any and all conditions pertaining to exchange of embassies.

As such, I have found no reasons that having an embassy exchange The United Alliance would result in any conflicts, and request that the Delegate permit the construction of an embassy for said nation in TNP.
