For information:
(Blue Wolf)
"A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But in our little Region of The North Pacific, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to play a pleasant, simple game without breaking the Constitution. It isn't easy. You may ask, why do we stay in TNP if it's so dangerous? We stay because TNP is our home... And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you
in one word... Tradition."
Tradition, tradition... tradition
Tradition, tradition... tradition
(Blue Wolf)
"Because of our traditions, we've kept our balance for many, many years. Here in The North Pacific we have traditions for everything... how not to admit people to the Security Council, how to make trials last for months, how to make sure the delegate cannot do anything without permission. For instance, we always do whatever Grossescnauzer tells us to do... This shows our constant devotion to The Constitution. You may ask, how did this tradition start? I'll tell you - I don't know. But it's a tradition... Because of our traditions, everyone knows who he is and does what Grosse expects him to do."
(The Regional Asembly)
Who day and night
Must vote? It’s strange
Pass lots of laws
But nothing to change?
And who has the right
As the region’s sovereign body
To do what Grosseschnauzer tells us?
The Assembly the Assembly... tradition
The Assembly, the Assembly... tradition
(The Delegate)
Who must know the way to endortart
Not allow the region to fall?
Who must not make waves or change a thing
If I want to avoid a recall?
The Delegate, the Delegate... tradition
The Delegate, the Delegate... tradition
in 1892 we started a trial
it just never seemed to end
If you want swift justice then TNP
I would not recommend
The Justices, the Justices... tradition
The Justices, the Justices... tradition
And who watches over the forum
To mend and tend and guard?
And if anyone steps out of line
To make sure that they are barred?
The admins, the admins... tradition
"I need a security check!"
The admins, the admins... tradition
(Repeat as round)
(Assembly members)
The Assembly!
(SC Members)
The Security Council!
The Justices!
The Admins!
(Blue Wolf)
"And in the circle of our little Region, we have always had our special types. For instance, Eluvatar, the pollmaker..."
"I have a perfect poll for the region! A poll with lots of options on concordiat sequential ranked and weighted voting systems. It is based on the Prussian three class franchise!"
(TNP member)
"What does that mean?"
“It means you end up so confused that the Oligarchy gets to decide everything.”
(TNP member)
"But I want to get to vote!"
"oh, you get to vote all the time …. But the Oligarchy gets to decide."
(Blue Wolf)
"And Govindia, the complainer..."
“Nobody apologizes properly to me, or shows me respect, or lets me in #tnp or listens to me..."
"Here, Govindia, here is an apology."
"An Apology? That is not sincere enough for me. I demand that you are sincere.”
"That’s it! I am taking you to court for saying sorry to me in the wrong way! And I am reporting this post to the Moderators for good measure."
(Blue Wolf)
"And most important, our beloved Root Admin..."
(RA member)
"Grosseschnauzer, may I ask you a question?"
"Certainly, my son."
(RA member)
"Is there a proper blessing for the Region?"
"A blessing for the Region? Of course. May God bless and keep the the Region... from any change at all!"
(Blue Wolf)
"And among ourselves, we get along perfectly well. Of course, there was the time when JAL couped the region, and banned a bunch of people, but that's all settled now. We had a trial and forgave him, so we live in simple peace and harmony and..."
(1st RA Member)
"Recall the Delegate!"
(2nd RA Member)
"Let someone Grosse does not trust into the Security Council!"
(3rd RA member)
“Let’s make a treaty with a region that treats us like Shit!”
(Blue Wolf)
Oh Fuck. Here we go again … another day in TNP.
Tradition, tradition... tradition
Tradition, tradition... tradition
(Blue Wolf)
"Tradition. Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as a fiddler on the roof!"