Proposal: Rights of Surrendering Parties[Archived] [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Cowardly Pacifists

Rights of Surrendering Parties:
Description: The World Assembly:

RECALLING the commitment of Member Nations to see peace prevail and avoid military conflict whenever possible;

AWARE that belligerents may wish to surrender in an attempt to end a war or avoid pointless bloodshed;

OBSERVING that there are those who would take unjust advantage of an opponent's intent or desire to end hostilities;

CONCERNED that such tactics undermine the willingness of parties to negotiate the end of hostilities - prolonging war and increasing the terrible costs associated with armed conflict;

DETERMINED to protect those who would ultimately become prisoners of war;


1. PROHIBITS the killing, injuring, or targeting for attack of persons who have clearly expressed a genuine desire to negotiate surrender, unless and until those persons take some action to rejoin the fighting;

2. DEFINES "perfidy" as "any act of leading a military opponent to believe that they are entitled to (or obliged to afford) some protection, safety, or right under a World Assembly resolution or the international law of war, with the intent to betray the opponent's belief to secure an advantage." Acts that constitute perfidy include, but are not limited to: (1) feigning an offer to surrender, (2) falsely promising a truce or cease-fire, and (3) impersonating a civilian, doctor, international aid worker, or any other neutral party.

3. FORBIDS the use of perfidy as a military tactic, and outlaws harming an adversary by resorting to acts of perfidy;

4. AFFIRMS that those who engage in acts of perfidy against a Member Nation may be treated as active enemy combatants.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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