Peoples Empire's Interview


House of Communications​

This is the interview of Candidate Peoples Empire.
Interviewer: Charles Windsor
The post is published as received

1. What can you say about being Candidate?

Well first I would like to say that I greatly appreciate the opportunity to become a candidate for executive council of five, and also greatly appreciate this Interview opportunity so the voters may know more about myself as a caniadate. Being a canidate for executive council of five has been a busy time full of lively debate and heated exchanges regarding my views on the Security Council. My views are duly noted on the Security Council but I would like the voters to know that I do recognize the necessity of the Security Council for the preservation of Regional Security. I believe however the S.C. needs to become a more Democratic Organization. My main interest as a candidate is to Voice the ideals of true Democracy in the TNP Region.

2. What ministry would you like to go into?

IF elected I would prefer the Immigration and Internal Affairs Ministry. I really do not have much interest in becoming Minister of Defence or Minister of External affairs, Plus I think Mcmasterdonia and Romanoffia have done wonderful job heading there respective ministries. However in the end I will accept whatever position is available. I would just like the opportunity to further serve the Region.

3. What can you say about your campaigns so far?

I can say that this campaign has gotten alot more responses from voters than the last one.

4. Have you ever campaigned before?

yes I ran once before. Interesting story actually, As I recall The first Council of five election was called off under the believe of the the Delegate that there were only five candidates. I was appointed an Executive Councilor. I then took the oath of office so I suppose I have technically been an Executive Councilor already,well for a few hours, Anyway the Delegate then realized there were 6 candidates and elections were called back on.. The election was held on an offline website that used a rather confusing algorithm to decide the results. I must say Im glad were at least able to vote on this forum.

5.What has the campaign taught you?

If you have a believe you wish to defend, and that believe is against the status que, you have to be willing to defend yourself from numerous counter attacks of opponents that well try to twist your words call you every name in the book, and if all else fails pull out the paranoia card.

General Questions

1. Do you plan to run again for a next term?

maybe, but at this time I am more focused more on the now than the future.

2. Tell me about yourself.

well I have been playing nation states since January I believe, and I have founded my own region. I have been on this forum since April. Since that time I have tried my best to volunteer my services to the Region as a NPA soldier securing Warzone Africa for TNP, and as Deputy minister Of external Affairs working with Minister Romanoffia on the implementation of Eternal Affairs policy.

3. Do you think you will win an office for the july-august Administration?

Well that is hard to say, I certainly hope I win an office. I am going against the status que however so I would not be that surprised if I do not win an office.

4. What can you say about the current government?

Most of the members are top notch Romanoffia Minister of external affairs, Mcmasterdonia Minister Of Defence, Ator People Minister of communications. I do not believe it is necessary however for the Delegate to be a member of the cabinet As it takes opportunities away from others to have this great opportunity to serve the region.

5. How do you plan to improve the region with your powers?

Well I suppose as a Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs I Would probably try to focus my energy on welcoming new members and helping them so they wish to stay in TNP. I also believe a program of mass recruitment would greatly aid the Region as well.