Enif admitted to the SC


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Enif has been admitted to the Security Council in a 6-0 vote.

I believe that this requires another Line of Succession proposal?
I believe the default proposal is now Grosseschnauzer, Pasargad, Eluvatar, Felasia, Great Bights Mum, Blackshear, Enif.

The current order of succession past the Vice Delegate of course is Great Bights Mum, Pasargad, Eluvatar, Blackshear, Felasia, Grosseschnauzer.
Well then if I recall the procedures correctly from last time people now have 2 days in which to propose alternative orderings.
Given that Romanoffia is being considered, i hear, for SC membership would it not be wise to hold off for a little while, ortherwise we will have two votes on succession in quick succession.
May I propose: Great Bights Mum, Pasargad, Eluvatar, Blackshear, Felasia, Grosseschnauzer, Enif, Romanoffia, conditional upon SC approval of his application.
I'm not particular about my position in the order of succession. If I get approved for SC, I'll volunteer for bottom of the heap, so to speak. In fact, I'd actually prefer to be at the bottom of the succession list.
Great Bights Mum:
May I propose: Great Bights Mum, Pasargad, Eluvatar, Blackshear, Felasia, Grosseschnauzer, Enif, Romanoffia, conditional upon SC approval of his application.
I can't really consider that a valid proposal right now, since the current constitution quite clearly states that the line of succession has to be among the members of the SC.
Way to split hairs. I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which TNP needs to call upon the 8th nation in the line of succession to take the lead. If that's the case we will have bigger problems to worry about than "Who's on first."

I have to agree with GMB. I would also say that "default" ordering of succession ought now to be the order agreed by the Regional Assembly just recently, unless the expressed will of the Assembly is once again to be considered subservient to a piece of paper?
In agreement with GBM and F, and that also the order of succession in an emergency is more of a practical concern than a political concern in most instances.
Actually I have had a rethink.

Having a new order of succession vote every time someone joins the SC, reverting to the original default succession every time, is a level of absurdity to which even TNP has never before aspired.

Surely we ought to support TNP in this endevour?
We could, however, permit such a decision to be deferred to the Ministry of Silly Walks and Handshakes.

Point taken. It would appear that it may be an illustration of the First Law of Eris which is the more order one seeks to enforce the greater the resulting chaos will be.

A simple set automatic procedure for assigning succession based upon quantitatively assigned variables might be in order.
Ok, to make Gulliver happy: Great Bights Mum, Pasargad, Eluvatar, Blackshear, Felasia, Grosseschnauzer, Enif.

Now in the event Romanoffia's application is approved by the SC during the vote, will the voting continue? Will a new vote start immediately? Will there be overlapping ongoing votes? Should we take a vote on it? Someone start a poll.
I think we should have a vote on whether or not to take a vote to have a poll to decide upon whether or not we should have ongoing votes. And then have a poll to decide if another vote is to be taken.
yes, that seems to be the only constitutional course open to us.

If only we had a shorter, simpler constitution to hand that would not give us all these problems. no ... wait .... we do!!!!
Great Bights Mum:
Way to split hairs. I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which TNP needs to call upon the 8th nation in the line of succession to take the lead. If that's the case we will have bigger problems to worry about than "Who's on first."
I find this all as equally silly as you do. But I can't pick and choose which laws I follow. Propose amending the laws if you disagree with them.

I have to agree with GMB. I would also say that "default" ordering of succession ought now to be the order agreed by the Regional Assembly just recently, unless the expressed will of the Assembly is once again to be considered subservient to a piece of paper?
That piece of paper in question was adopted by the Regional Assembly, and the Regional Assembly could go ahead and adopt new procedures for this easily if they want to. It doesn't even require a constitutional amendment.

Great Bights Mum:
Now in the event Romanoffia's application is approved by the SC during the vote, will the voting continue? Will a new vote start immediately? Will there be overlapping ongoing votes? Should we take a vote on it? Someone start a poll.
Unfortunately, I believe the answer is yes, which, again, saddens me as much as it saddens you.

I think we've clearly established that the current procedures are poorly designed, I will take this into consideration when finalizing my draft for a new Constitution. In the meantime I'm going to move this to a vote.
I refer you to the book of Flemingovia, Chapter 3, verses 5 to 11. It seems relevant to this debate:

5 So Flemingovia went to the people and said “6 No longer follow the Constitution which oppresses you. Follow my ways and my laws, which are shorter and simpler.” 7 And the people rejoiced. 8 But then Grosseschnauser spoke up and said 9 “The constitution is your master. You must do what it says. 10 You have no free will, except what the Constitution grants you.” 11 And the people were afraid.

I also refer you to the answer given to McMasterdonia concerning Heresy:

"To be a heretic all you have to do is slavishly follow the false god "constitution", an do all it tells you. Do not use common sense."

FLEMINGOVIANISM: YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE (well, more sense than this farce)
Great Bights Mum:
Way to split hairs. I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which TNP needs to call upon the 8th nation in the line of succession to take the lead. If that's the case we will have bigger problems to worry about than "Who's on first."
I find this all as equally silly as you do. But I can't pick and choose which laws I follow. Propose amending the laws if you disagree with them.

I have to agree with GMB. I would also say that "default" ordering of succession ought now to be the order agreed by the Regional Assembly just recently, unless the expressed will of the Assembly is once again to be considered subservient to a piece of paper?
That piece of paper in question was adopted by the Regional Assembly, and the Regional Assembly could go ahead and adopt new procedures for this easily if they want to. It doesn't even require a constitutional amendment.

Great Bights Mum:
Now in the event Romanoffia's application is approved by the SC during the vote, will the voting continue? Will a new vote start immediately? Will there be overlapping ongoing votes? Should we take a vote on it? Someone start a poll.
Unfortunately, I believe the answer is yes, which, again, saddens me as much as it saddens you.

I think we've clearly established that the current procedures are poorly designed, I will take this into consideration when finalizing my draft for a new Constitution. In the meantime I'm going to move this to a vote.
Uh, no one did a motion and a second to get this to the voting floor. Should that not be proper procedure, along with linking to the discussion in the voting thread Mr. Speaker???
RA Rule 3 requires an automatic vote and makes no mention of motions and seconds.

We're discussing changes to RA Rule 3.