[Complete]Repeal "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism"[Archived]


Resolution Text:
Repeal "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism"

A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation

Category: Repeal | Resolution: SC#92 | Proposed by: Skyrim Diplomacy

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #92: Liberate Benevolent Capitalism shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING the intent of SC#92 to remove the raider-imposed password blocking entrance to Benevolent Capitalism and restore the region to the native nations,

APPLAUDING that SC#92 has achieved this goal and removed the password from Benevolent Capitalism, allowing the rightful inhabitants of the region to return and reclaim power in the region,

FEARING, however, that allowing SC#92 to stand will only pose a threat to Benevolent Capitalism and the natives within in the future by disallowing the natives to impose a password for safety,

AFFIRMING that the natives of Benevolent Capitalism wish to see SC#92 struck down,

HEREBY REPEALS SC#92, Liberate Benevolent Capitalism.
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Repeal "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

What The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs said when "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism" was at-vote, still applies:

"We [had] a standard liberation scenario. A raiding group called "Pwnzoria", took the region only a short time ago and quickly used influence to implement a password and [began] banning and ejecting natives out of the region against their will."

What *has* changed is: no longer is Benevolent Capitalism occupied by Pwnzoria. The passage of "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism" meant that the password on the region was removed and the region could be freed. However, the passage of a WA Liberation also means that the native delegate of Benevolent Capitalism is barred from implementing a password on the region.

Natives have expressed their desire to password Benevolent Capitalism for its own protection and security. The Ministry contacted the native delegate, The American Revolutuion, recently to see if he supported the repeal of the liberation and, indeed, he did. So, as far as the Ministry can determine, Repeal "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism" is telling the truth. The question now to be asked is: do you wish to support these reasons for the repeal of a liberation?

On one hand, one may argue that the will of the natives is incredibly important and that ultimately if the natives wish for the WA Liberation to be removed in Benevolent Capitalism, the World Assembly Security Council should oblige. Alternatively, one may argue that a repeal's passage would only increase the security threat for the region since what raider or invader could resist such an opportunity to toy with the Security Council as, raiding and passwording a region just before or after the passage of a repeal of a WA Liberation? When the WA Liberation simply ensures that major destruction of Benevolent Capitalism is basically impossible, it could thus be successfully argued this could be a major security mistake.

Officially, the North Pacific abstained with "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism".

The Minister of World Assembly Affairs finds that there is compelling reasons to believe that this resolution could draw informed discussion in the North Pacific, so much so that it does not want to intervene or disturb this process with a vote at this time.

Thus, the Ministry (1) recommends that the delegate "ABSTAIN" on Repeal "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism" until such time that a clear view has been decided upon by voters, and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.