Romanoffia for Council of Five


Garde à l'eau!
Re-upping for Council of Five. ;D

Right now the work of reorganizing the Ministry of External Affairs is proceeding quite nicely and I would like to continue in this position to complete the task.

The North Pacific has been neglecting a lot of our embassies in other regions, a situation I would like to rectify. My continuing program for reorganization will continue in my next term should I win reelection to the Council of Five. My goal is to bring our foreign affairs up to snuff, something which is about half done at this time. Right now I am updating as many of our Embassies as possible so that other regions will know we haven't forgotten them.

Is this, then, a campaign thread?

If so, then Roman, do you feel you will have the support of the Oligarchy this time, or do you think your application will be scuppered?
I must note that this is an election, not some kind of... I don't even know how to name what flemingovia's insinuating.

Any candidate who attains the support (first choice) of more than 1/6 of the voters is sure to get in.
Is this, then, a campaign thread?

If so, then Roman, do you feel you will have the support of the Oligarchy this time, or do you think your application will be scuppered?
I'm not sure how the question is relevant to the election for Council of Five, but I will answer it.

I'm fairly sure that my application to SC will be approved. At least I would like to think that having someone on the SC who is directly involved in the nuts and bolts of foreign and external affairs (and the information that can be gathered by the diplomatic corps) would benefit the SC.

That said, one of the projects I am designing will involve having our ambassadors become more active in their posts to other regions (as it normally should be). In this way, we can get a better handle on what is going on around NationStates and apply those diplomatic relations and the information they afford to providing a more secure region that actively engages other regions.
I will oblige.

If a brand new nation in The North Pacific endorses 550 WA nations in The North Pacific over the course of 4 hours, how many endorsements will it have 12 hours later?
I will oblige.

If a brand new nation in The North Pacific endorses 550 WA nations in The North Pacific over the course of 4 hours, how many endorsements will it have 12 hours later?
Hmmm, convoluted question if I am understanding it correctly. I will assume brand new means a WA nation that moves into the region (if the nation is brand new, it isn't a WA nation until at least the next update before it is)

The answer is that the you would have no idea of how many endorsed nations would reciprocate or give unsolicited endorsements to the new nation. But, you can look at the statistics.

That said, if a new nation (WA member, of course) that just pops into TNP decides to endorse every single WA nation in a massive and systematic tarting spree, and without sending tarting TGs to catch the endorsed nation's immediate attention, of 550 nations, the immediate response would be around 18 nations reciprocating in the first 24 hours or so.

Then add to that the usual suspects that instantly endorse new arrivals (that would be members of the SC, ministers of government, a few RA nations, professional tarters and Blue Wolf II :P who usually hit up new arrivals in the first 48 hours, I would say that under optimum conditions, a new WA nations could tart up about 20-25 endorsements in the first 24 hours if they really worked at it.

Statistically speaking, if you simply endorsed every WA nation in TNP and didn't sent a reciprocating TG asking for an endo-swap, you might end up with about 200 endos in about two weeks.

But as per your original question, there would be no way of knowing how many nations would swap endos with another new and unknown WA nation in the first 24 hours.

I believe the entire question is essentially the same paradigm as 'what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?' without knowing whether its an African or European Swallow. :P ;)
We get along just fine. I think we work together quite well.

Actually, let me add to that nebulous answer. :P

I like the group we have in the cabinet mainly because it's fairly balanced in terms of differing opinions on any given subject. Listening to as many different opinions as possible means that one will know what everyone else knows before any decisions need to be made.