[Complete]AT VOTE: Commend The Featured Region Followers [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Commendation
Nominee: The Featured Region Followers
Proposed by: Paffnia

Commend The Featured Region Followers:
Description: The World Assembly,

NOTING that each day, one region is “featured,” whereby its World Factbook Entry is widely publicized among all nations.

APPLAUDING The Featured Region Followers, whose members tirelessly travel to the featured region, leaving personalized congratulatory messages for its residents on the Regional Message Board,

HONORING The Featured Region Followers for nobly doing this valuable service for over five years,

OBSERVING that the messages left by members of The Featured Region Followers are not meant as advertisements for their own region, nor are they tied to a specific religion or belief, but are instead simple and sincere expressions of congratulation,

APPRECIATING the fact that the contents of the World Factbook Entries of many featured regions are preserved on the Regional Message Board of The Featured Region Followers, thereby creating a historical record of said regions on the day they were featured,

PRAISING the dialogue, socialization, and gift exchanges that occur frequently when members of The Featured Region Followers arrive, often resulting in increased activity within the region,

RECOGNIZING that the dedication and friendliness of The Featured Region Followers exemplify the Security Council's goal of “spreading interregional peace and goodwill,”

Hereby COMMENDS The Featured Region Followers.
Hey! This is Paffnia, and I encourage you, as delegate of TNP, to approve the proposal Commend The Featured Region Followers: page=UN_view_proposal/id=paffnia_1341288082

Unlike most of the WA telegrams you probably receive, this one isn’t about raiding or role playing, double jeopardy or delineation of borders. Instead, this proposal would simply commend some of the nicest guys in all of NationStates, The Featured Region Followers. This group has spent their time delivering warm congratulations to each day’s featured region for over five years, spreading goodwill without prejudice. Your support will help to give them the recognition they deserve!


P.S.: This is not an automated telegram, like some of the others you might be getting. In fact, if you have any questions, please telegram me, The Protectorate of Paffnia, or post in the debate thread (viewtopic.php?f=24&t=180987), and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Commend The Featured Region Followers"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

In this recent commendation, we have a nominee that is, by most people's interpretation, universally agreeable, peaceful and non-controversial. Some critics could perhaps argue, too agreeable, in the sense that, perhaps commendations should be controversial and thereby raising interests. The Ministry takes the position that there is room for both controversy and relatively agreeableness in the hallowed halls of the WA Security Council; however, some readers may disagree with this view.

The Ministry will also note that the practice of preserving the featured region's World Factbook Entry on the Regional Message Board of the Featured Region Follower's region is a relatively new practice because Regional Message Boards have only recently included an archive for posts on Regional Message Boards. This practice is praised in the commendation, but it's not necessarily as old of practice as say, its five years of following Featured Regions. Nonetheless, The Ministry finds no evidence that The Featured Region Followers intends to "slow down" said practice and in fact, a commendation may encourage them to continue improving their services.

Is the practice of celebrating Featured Region status, commendable? The World Assembly agreed so when it commended Quote of the Day for a similar practice and later upheld his commendation when it was threatened by a repeal. Additionally, The North Pacific voted to uphold Quote of the Day's commendation. The Ministry agrees with the view that something as simple as congratulations can be a grand contribution to NationStates and peace and goodwill. The Ministry will note however, as far as records show.. The North Pacific has not been featured (at least not in quite a while!).

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has (1) thus recommended that the delegate vote "FOR" Commend The Featured Region Followers, and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.