AT VOTE: Resolving WA Trade Disputes [Complete] [Complete]

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Auralia

Resolving WA Trade Disputes:
Description: Recognizing the numerous benefits of international trade to the economies of all World Assembly member nations,

Regretting that trade disputes between member nations serve as a barrier to international trade, resulting in severe political and economic consequences,

Believing that it is therefore in the World Assembly's interest to establish an impartial mediation and arbitration body tasked with resolving international trade disputes,

Realizing that failing to do so would constitute a extreme hazard to national populations,

The General Assembly,

  1. Mandates that all member nations involved in a trade dispute enter into independent bilateral or multilateral negotiations, as appropriate, for a reasonable length of time in order to make a good faith attempt to peacefully and amicably resolve the issue;
  2. Extends the mandate of the World Assembly Trade Commission to include non-binding mediation and binding arbitration services for international trade disputes rooted in a member nation's violation of international trade law or its own national laws;
  3. Clarifies that such mediation and arbitration may only occur:
    • with the initial explicit, uncoerced consent of all the member nations involved in the dispute, and
    • after any independent bilateral and multilateral negotiations have failed;
  4. Stipulates that such mediation and arbitration must proceed as follows:
    • the World Assembly Trade Commission must assemble a mediation or arbitration panel, consisting of unbiased adjudicators with the required qualifications and experience to fulfill their duties,
    • the member nation which requested mediation or arbitration must present the panel with a legitimate allegation that a member nation involved in the dispute has violated international trade law or its own national laws, and that this violation is a chief cause of the dispute,
    • each member nation involved in the dispute may present arguments and evidence pertaining to this allegation to the panel, and must comply with any reasonable request made by the panel for evidence necessary to make an informed ruling on the allegation,
    • the panel will consider all evidence presented and present a ruling detailing whether the allegation is true, as well as any actions on the part of member nations required to remedy the issue,
    • any member nation involved in the dispute may appeal a recommendation or ruling by the panel, on the grounds that the evidence presented was improperly considered, to a separate appellate panel, which will release a final ruling or recommendation based exclusively on the evidence presented to the original panel;
  5. Authorizes the World Assembly Trade Commission to impose any applicable financial penalties on member nations which consented to the arbitration process but refused to comply with a final ruling by an arbitration panel or its corresponding appellate panel, as appropriate.
Hello, Zemnaya Svoboda!

You may remember that a few weeks ago, Fairness in Multilateral Trade, a proposal I authored which would have created a system of regulations promoting inter-WA trade, failed to pass. While this failure has given me the time to rework the proposal to address some of the points brought up during the debate, it has also given me the opportunity to work on a second, related proposal.

Whenever a trade dispute occurs between nations, it is always in their economic interest to settle the dispute as quickly as possible. The longer the nations employ punitive measures against each other, the longer their economies - and the economies of the entire WA - suffer. However, ideological and cultural differences can sometimes be so strong that that they ultimately prevent these nations from coming to a mutually beneficial arrangement.

My proposal, "Resolving WA Trade Disputes", aims to fix this problem by mandating that nations make a good faith attempt to amicably resolve trade disputes. In order to help this process along, the proposal creates a WA trade mediation and arbitration body, tasked with determining the veracity of allegations of violations of national or international trade law, as well as recommending any actions on the part of member nations needed to remedy the issue. Arbitration is binding, but both mediation and arbitration cannot occur without the consent of all nations involved, preventing any abuse of power by the WA.

Hopefully, this proposal will provide nations with an inventive to quickly solve trade disputes (if possible), ultimately helping the economies of the entire WA.

Please approve the proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=auralia_1340590716


Martin Russell
Chief Ambassador, The Protectorate of Auralian Mission to the World Assembly
The Federal Republic of Auralia
Eeek, "Protecting Privacy" was removed from the queue by the Author's request just before it went to vote and "Commend the Featured Regions Followers" must have reached quorum remarkably quick. So.. I'll start with "Commend the Featured Regions Followers" and get to my response for "Resolving WA Trade Disputes" later. Because the latter will take more time to form a response.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.