Proposal: Repeal "Numismatics Appreciation Act"[Archived] [Complete]

Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#56
Proposed by: Sciongrad

Repeal "Numismatics Appreciation Act":
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #56: Numismatics Appreciation Act (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly,

COMMENDING the intentions of General Assembly Resolution #56, insofar as it aims to preserve the monetary culture of member nations;

DISPUTING, however, that the currency of a nation is a "monumental part of [its] history," as well as the notion that "cultural heritage and tradition can be preserved through the safeguarding of each nation’s currency;"

ASSERTING that the amount of resources alloted to preserving one miniscule aspect of a nation's history, as provided in GAR#56, is superfluous;

ACKNOWLEDGING that GAR#56 states, in relevant part:

4. Obligates each World Assembly member nation to regulate the buying and selling of coins and banknotes;

REGRETTING that clause four contravenes the intended purpose of the resolution by creating an opt-out for unwilling nations due to a lack of mandatory regulations, aside from the requirement that "World Assembly member nations [regulate] the buying and selling of coins and banknotes," to any degree in which they find acceptable;

CONSIDERING it to be unnecessary for the World Assembly to regulate the trade of currency, as standard market price determination is more effective than an international grading system established by WANA;

CLARIFIES that nations may still create establishments dedicated to the preservation of their currencies, notwithstanding the passage of the repeal;

FURTHER CLARIFIES that General Assembly Resolution #56 does not prevent one-world currencies, nor does it involve itself in economic mediums of exchange, aside from items that are collected privately for cultural or personal reasons;


REPEALS General Assembly Resolution #56, "Numismatics Appreciation Act."
Hi there!

I would just like to notify you of the proposal seeking to repeal the "Numismatics Appreciation Act." The proposal seeks to promote culture by preserving bank notes and the like, but not only fails to do so cost effectively, it does so in a way that creates an opt-out system for nations that don't want to participate actively. Some of the flaws in the resolution include:

1) Clause four mandates loose regulations, but fails to stipulate any level of regulations, thus, allowing nations that are apathetic to the cause of numismatics preservation to implement minimal regulations.

2) Creates a grading system to determine the price of numismatics, as opposed to allowing standard market price determination from taking place.

3) The WANA is tasked with funding lectures and museums in all member nations, through the World Assembly General Fund - meaning that member nations are forced to fund the numismatics awareness in all nations, as opposed to just their own, which could be done without GAR#56.

The proposal can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=sciongrad_1340556132

The debate thread can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=177116

Thank you for taking the time to read this telegram!
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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