[Complete]Failed: Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders" [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#91
Proposed by: Cowardly Pacifists

Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders":
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #91: Condemn The Black Riders shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council:

AWARE that The Black Riders - commonly referred to by their initials, TBR - are a well-known group of raiders;

ALSO AWARE that TBR generally engage in crashing and tagging regions - a practice that involves temporarily seizing a regional delegacy but ultimately returning control of the region to its natives;

CONCERNED that SC #91 uses misleading language to portray TBR as a much greater threat to international security than they truly are;

OBSERVING that the very first line of SC #91 mistakenly accuses TBR of attempting to "invade other nations," something The Black Riders don't actually do;

FURTHER OBSERVING that SC #91 uses charged terms like "cultural genocide," "terrorize," "terror," "complete defacement," and "horrific seize," to describe the actions of TBR, despite the fact that their crashing and tagging practices are relatively mild compared to the practices of other raiding groups;

NOTING that SC #91 suggests that the actions of TBR led to the "undeniable downfall" of the Region of reunited muslim states, even though the RORMS community retains possession of its native region and is undeniably alive and well;

BELIEVING that the aforementioned instances of exaggeration are all calculated to make World Assembly nations think TBR are especially fearsome and villainous;

AFFIRMING that the World Assembly should never express that it is "FEARFUL" of a raiding group within the text of a condemnation;

SUSPECTING that many of the raiding members of TBR actually support SC #91, which they view as a badge of honor rather than an expression of shock and dismay;

RESOLVED that a condemnation should not serve to exalt or glorify a region for their misdeeds;

CONVINCED that if The Black Riders deserve to be condemned, the text of the condemnation should truly and accurately reflect the nature of their wrongdoing;

HEREBY REPEALS SC #91, "Condemn The Black Riders."
Cowardly Pacificists:
Dear Zemnaya Svoboda:

I am writing to you about the recently passed Security Council resolution "Condemn The Black Riders." Several ambassadors, including myself, have expressed serious doubts about the appropriateness of that resolution. I have drafted a repeal of SC #91 highlighting the most significant concerns. I hope you will give the repeal a read: page=UN_view_proposal/id=cowardly_pacifists_1340209844

I want to point out that I'm not necessarily against a condemnation of the Black Riders if they truly deserve it. However, SC #91 was drafted and submitted in little more than a week, and the haste is evident in the wording and detail. I am especially concerned about the weasel words used to condemn The Black Riders. SC #91 uses some charged words without really providing any specific examples of the Black Riders' conduct. I believe this was done to make people think that the Black Riders are far worse than they really are so that they would vote for the condemnation. I've even noticed that certain allegations are outright false, but were included in SC #91 anyway - likely because it would prompt more nations to condemn TBR. I've listed several other concerns in the repeal text that I will leave you to discover.

I understand that SC #91 was just at vote and that you may have even voted in favor of it. No matter where you stand on The Black Riders, I'm sure you'll agree that if they are to be condemned, the Condmenation should truly and accurately describe their wrongdoing. I hope you will agree that there are some flaws with the Condemnation that just passed. If you do, I would ask that you please endorse the Repeal of SC #91 so that it can be brought to a World Assembly vote.

Thank you!
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

"Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"" suggests that tag raiding, a tactic that The Black Riders generally conducts, is not a condemnable offense. With this point, we must agree -- tag raiding is the simple spamming of World Factbook Entries, it is not about the continuation of prolonged invasions in regions. However, The Ministry would like to note that The Black Riders generally *do* hold onto a region after a night of so-called tag-raids and then they will often continue a more extensive, prolonged invasion there. Unfortunately, this happened to one of The North Pacific's allies, Stargate; The Black Riders took Stargate on Dec 26, 2011 and held the region for several weeks which threatened the region's internal and external sovereignty.

However, "Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"" rightfully notes that the author mistakenly used "nation", when he meant "region".

The repeal's main argument is that "Condemn The Black Riders" exaggerated the offences committed by The Black Riders. On one hand, terms like "cultural genocide" and "terrorism" are associated with actual death, misery and fear in real life and perhaps, were out of place and inappropriate for use in the condemnation. Alternatively, this is a political simulator and in NationStates, a region's culture is connected to its World Factbook Entry and its Regional Message Board, likewise, raiders such as The Black Riders have been known to use fear and intimidation -- Region of reunited muslim states is a perfect example, where raiders threatened to destroy the region if natives didn't silence themselves.

Perhaps the most inaccurate part of "Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"" is it's downplaying of the invasion of Region of reunited muslim states; "Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders" is correct in asserting that Region of reunited muslim states was never destroyed, but there's an argument to be made that Region of reunited muslim states did suffer a considerable downfall at the hands of The Black Riders (80+ native nations were banned from the region).

Finally, the text of the repeal argues that a condemnation should not be proposed if the target will wear the condemnation as a badge of honour; traditionally, authors in the Security Council deny this argument especially since it would render almost all condemnations of military gameplayers as invalid -- Macedon, Unknown, The Black Hawks, Lone Wolves United etc. all celebrated their condemnations. The best rendition of the old counter-argument against the "badge of honour" argument, I have provided for your attention:

"It is clear that condemnation, like punishment, is not intended to produce some desired response. We may take the analogy of a violent criminal. Should we not condemn his actions, and even put him in prison, on the off chance that he wants to go to jail anyway, likes the attention of a trial, and we are only boosting his ego and popularity? This is absurdity." - Balawaristan (Jun 15, 2009).

With specific attention brought to the dangerous precedent that could be set by the "Badge of Honour" argument being legitimized, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has (1) recommended that the delegate vote "AGAINST" Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders", and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
The original was flawed, but this repeal is not any better. AGAINST.

Maybe at some point we'll get an accurate resolution on the topic from the original proponents, or the proponents of repeal. As it is, I'll follow my default position of opposing repeals unless a sound justification is given, and I'm not sure this one is it/
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.