Seeking a Deputy MoC

If you're interested in being Deputy Minister of Communications, please apply here with the following format.

I will choose a deputy on Friday, June 22 Wednesday, June 20.

Nation: [nation]<NATIONNAME>[/nation]
How long I've played NS: <DURATION>
How long I've been in TNP: <DURATION>
Why I want to be dMoC: <BRIEF-EXPLANATION>
Deputy Minister of Communications
Application Form.

How long I've played NS: <DURATION>
How long I've been in TNP: <DURATION>
Why I want to be dMoC: <BRIEF-EXPLANATION>

I, Prince Charles Windsor, apply to become The Deputy Minister of Communication.

-My nation is The Royal Kingdom of Windsor dc.
-I have played NationStates for 5 months and 15 days.
-I joined The North Pacific for 36 non-consecutive days.
-Being the Government Secretary and The Personal Secretary to The Delegate, that seems like a very reasonable role for The Deputy Minister of Communications. I also want to promote the ---best I can to the state by going into a ministry where I can use my given skills as a resource to perform my job.

Signed by,​
I have just been appointed Deputy minister for External affairs By Romanoffia therefore I withdraw my application, and Recommend Prince Windsor for this Position I think he would do a good job.
I am going to choose a Deputy this Wednesday (tomorrow) rather than waiting until Friday - so please submit your application if you haven't already.