Todo Lists


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
I would like each Council member to make themselves a todo list thread in this area. I recommend posting as items are completed and added.

I will be posting my todo list here.


1. Organize CoF meeting.
2. Hold CoF meeting.
2a. Get Ministers of Defense, External Affairs, WA Affairs, Welcoming [me], Communications at least.
2b. Brainstorm deputies.
2c. Guidelines for ministerial operation.
3. Catch up on endorsement gathering.
4. Finish welcoming system.
5. Ensure Regional Update gets written by June 22nd. (!)
6. Fix /pages/laws/
7. Forum Map.
8. Get /pages/sc-alerts/ to automatically show most endorsed nations and most endorsing nations, as close to live as practical.
9. Set up system for good endorsement-gathering efficiency.
10. Rest.
(3) is done
(1) is in progress


1. Organize CoF meeting.
2. Hold CoF meeting.
2a. Get Ministers of Defense, External Affairs, WA Affairs, Welcoming Eluvatar , Communications at least.
2b. Brainstorm deputies.
2c. Guidelines for ministerial operation.
3. Finish welcoming system.
4. Ensure Regional Update gets written by June 22nd. (!)
5. Fix /pages/laws/
6. Forum Map.
7. Speaker badge.
8. Get /pages/sc-alerts/ to automatically show most endorsed nations and most endorsing nations, as close to live as practical.
9. Set up system for good endorsement-gathering efficiency.
10. Rest.
On #8 - "Get /pages/sc-alerts/ to automatically show most endorsed nations and most endorsing nations, as close to live as practical."

How difficult would it be to write up a set of scripts and host them on a someone's existing server? Or produce a scrip that could be run on anyone's computer?
On #8 - "Get /pages/sc-alerts/ to automatically show most endorsed nations and most endorsing nations, as close to live as practical."

How difficult would it be to write up a set of scripts and host them on a someone's existing server? Or produce a scrip that could be run on anyone's computer?
The backend to /pages/sc-alerts/ is and will be on a server I have access to.

Other scripts which I run on another server currently send reports with the top 25 endorsed and the top 25 endorsers to the SC on a regular basis.

1. Select a deputy.
2. Establish format for the The North Pacific Wire.
3. Create topic for TNP Wire submissions from citizens.
4. Put together format for Regional Updates
To DO:

1: Select a Deputy- position offered awaiting response
2: Give out Ribbons for Stargate Service
3: Develop updated pm/tg contact list
4: Pull apart the legal code
5: Finish off Training Academy- get defending information
6: Transfer Military Rank images etc
(1), (2) done.


1. Finish welcoming system.
2. Ensure Regional Update gets written by June 22nd. (!)
3. Fix /pages/laws/
4. Forum Map.
5. Speaker badge.
6. Get /pages/sc-alerts/ to automatically show most endorsed nations and most endorsing nations, as close to live as practical.
7. Set up system for good endorsement-gathering efficiency.
8. Rest.
(3), (4) done.


1. Select a deputy. [IN PROGRESS]
2. Establish format for the The North Pacific Wire.
3. Create topic for TNP Wire submissions from citizens.
4. Put together format for Regional Updates
To do list:

1.) Select a Deputy Peoples Empire

2.) Appoint an Ambassador to Europeia Ismud (has a puppet in that region and has access to the forum, and is catching up on the details of the recent goings on in that region).

3.) Create a directory of all TNP Ambassadors to other regions - working on this now

4.) Bone up on all the other External Affairs matters (a work in constant progress).

5.) A possible Ministry of EAs sub forum in an appropriate place? Any thoughts on this, Elu?