ARCHIVED: Vladivostok Conference Planning

Please arrive before the formal opening of the conference on Thursday, May 24th.

Thursday May 24th is Today for me, but I'm assuming thats tomorrow for you?

Eluvatar informed me it will be occurring via a thread on the forum.
Yes, in just under 4 hours I will kick things off.

I intend to skip RPing all the arrivals, and go straight to the conferencing.

If you want to RP your delegation's arrival, feel free to RP a the arrival and reception within reason during the next four hours.
Let's please keep OOC discussion here and not in the IC thread. It helps for later readers of the thread to read it as a narrative, in my view.
Ator People would like to host Special Interest Receptions during the Conference for nations of similar ideologies, governments or to discuss various issues relevant to the conference. We will moderate these discussions. Would you mind if we started a new thread, say once a week, for these?
I was working on the basis of asking further questions when we discuss each subject in turn? Or is that not the way you were planning on doing it? I don't really mind, I can throw some questions in whenever you like... :P