McMasterdonia for Vice Delegate


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
I have decided to enter the race for the position of Vice-Delegate; I thank Govindia and Namyeknom for nominating me. I agree with the other candidates in this election that uncontested elections are annoying, so it is good to have a tough election for the position of Vice-Delegate. I enter this race due to no personal issue with Felasia, he is a great candidate and I would consider him a friend. I enter this race, rather as a way of being able to serve the region further and to provide a different style of governing.

As head of the Security Council, I would serve to protect the region from any and all threats. I would in particular keep the line of communication open with the new Delegate (whoever that may be) so that we can prevent the serious break downs of communication that occurred in the last term.

I am constantly told by many different people that I have not been around long enough to understand why person x and person y have issues with each other, why these rivalries exist, and dont understand the claims of personal innuendos that go back years and years into nationstates history.

I personally dont see this as a bad thing, I feel that forgiveness, co-operation and consensus are important between all members of our fine region. That is if we plan to reinvigorate and start a new age of activity in the North Pacific. As Minister of Defence I have proven that I am able and very willing to try and find consensus and agreement with all people, even those who for some reason or another are unwilling to work together. I have proven also that I can take the criticism of others, and am willing and able to debate productively in a way that reaches a compromise solution.

Some of the finest, most active people, who will always act in the best interests of The North Pacific, also do not trust each other at all. This as I see it, is hindering the region and is in nobodys best interest. I would like to serve as Vice Delegate in a way that helps to foster inclusion for new members, and aim to unify and heal the region after a past term, that has at times been divisive.

I would like to serve as an active Vice Delegate contributing solidly as a member of the Delegate’s Government (presuming I have his support in this). I would like to contribute strongly to the ongoing work towards the reestablishment of the North Pacific Army, including its structural work, organisation and recruitment.

I would like to work with the Delegate and NPA members to form a large body of high influence/endorsement nations to assist the security council and the legitimate Government if there is ever a crisis.

I would be very willing to assist in the Department of Foreign Affairs, helping to improve our diplomatic relations with our allies, other feeders, and to help find new regions for us to engage with.

I would also be more than willing to assist the new Delegate in constitutional and legal reform. There have been many attempts at this in recent weeks, and it is clear that people have the feel for change. I believe it is important that the new Government and its team the lead the way on this, and that it is our duty to find the best possible alternatives to the current constitution/legal code. This will be done using a consensus based approach, and by encouraging the involvement of new/quieter members of our region, who are sometimes left out in these debates.

I would also, as Vice Delegate take an active role in recruitment to our region, by engaging new nations as they arrive in The North Pacific. This will be done using a personal approach and touch, with the intention of keeping them in our magnificent region. Consolidating that effort, I will encourage involvement/registration on the forums. I know that some newly registered forum members find the Forum hard to navigate around, and they aren’t sure where/what they can post (I was in that position not so long ago). I would aim to assist these members so that they understand how the forum works, and are willing to contribute on an ongoing basis.

I believe strongly in accountability, and I believe I can take criticism well (feel free to dispute me on that one). If any member of the region is unhappy with me, or feels that I have failed them in some way. I would expect and encourage that they tell me, as I ultimately serve at the pleasure of our citizens and serve for their benefit.

Above all else, I will be an active vice-delegate, constantly engaging will the members of the North Pacific Region of all backgrounds and of all positions. I will serve this region, to the best of my ability, acting in the interests of our citizens at all times.

I hope that you all read this, and will strongly consider voting McMasterdonia for Vice Delegate. I wish good luck to all candidates for all positions. I am happy to take any questions.
peoples empire:
In light of recent NPR history, Do you view political parties as a security threat?
Thank you for your Question. You seem to be taking a very active interest in this election campaign, its good to see.

I don't think that political parties are a security threat. The way I see it, Political parties are a great way for like minded individuals to get together, debate issues, and come up with a collaborative approach to dealing with the said issue. Having multiple parties allows for a broader debate of ideas, and can help present voters with clear and distinct choices at elections.

The only time they can become a security threat for TNP, in my opinion, is if they plan to abolish other political parties, or if individuals are prevented from forming political parties, or to mandate that all members of TNP join that particular party. I generally support the use of political parties, and would encourage a proactive multi-party system.

If elected vice-delegate, I would work with whoever regardless of political ideology to achieve the best outcomes for TNP.
As you have publicly acknowledged your dislike for Security council . Isn't It strange that you are running for position of Vice delegate?
what do you mean by unify and heal the region?
TNP is not in civil war and security council has done It's JOB very well in past few years.
and you do not fix what is not broken.
as you have taken position of ministry of defense Isn't it better you finish your TNP Army project then take another responsibility?
Thank you for your Questions Pasargad, I hope i can give you a sufficient answer and solve some of your concerns.

As you have publicly acknowledged your dislike for Security council . Isn't It strange that you are running for position of Vice delegate?

I am not sure where you have got that idea from. If you could direct me to the point of where exactly I have expressed my dislike for the Security Council? I have stated before that it is a very important body for the protection of the security interests of The North Pacific. Other members believe that the Security Council needs to be elected in order to do its job properly, it is on the public record that I do not support this view. I believe that it does its job perfectly fine as it is, and that elections would only create further issues with it. What I have stated in the past, is that I believe there was a break down in communication between the Delegate and the security council in the past term, I stand by that. This resulted in various Security alerts directed at Security Council members, who in my opinion were not a Security threat to the region in any way.

what do you mean by unify and heal the region?

What i meant by this, Pasargad, is that the pass term of government has in some ways been divisive. As I see it, it has meant that many people have been at each others throats. This has not been beneficial to the region, for some this has led to dissatisfaction with the law (i.e. The Speaker being removed for not meeting the 2 consecutive vote rule, even though in practice they should be able to be independent and not have to vote).
By unifying, I meant that i want to be part of a government that helps to restore people's faith in their leadership team. This would best be done by encouraging the involvement of new members, as well as productively addressing the necessary changes to the legal code and constitution that would help to restore people's faith in their system. Some Security Council member(s), that I have spoken to, have expressed annoyance at some parts of the code/constitution as it is. The most important factor in this would be being active, and always taking part in regional affairs.

TNP is not in civil war and security council has done It's JOB very well in past few years.
and you do not fix what is not broken.

Um. Ok. I am certainly not disagreeing with you on that point. We are not in a civil war, and the security council has done it's job well in the past few years. That is a wild statement, that came from nowhere, if I may say so. The Security Council does do a fine job, it is comprised of some of the most influential and active members of our region, for the exact purposes of responding to any and all threats, as they arise. I'm not disputing that at all.

as you have taken position of ministry of defense Isn't it better you finish your TNP Army project then take another responsibility?

I accepted the position of Minister of Defence when I was offered it from Blue Wolf II. IMHO I believe that I have done to date, a good job at getting the ball rolling for the North Pacific Army. I have spoken with as many members who are willing to take part in the NPA, (not those who simply sign up, then don't participate). I have formulated a draft of the legal code, i have debated on this with many members trying to reach a consensus. I am in the process of finding a consensus based solution to the raiding vs defending agenda. Recruitment is an ongoing task of the North Pacific Army, as is its training operations. I feel that I have done significant work towards the reformation of the north pacific army. I have TG's, messaged as many members as I can.

I see no reason why I could still not contribute to it, while serving as Vice Delegate. I also reject the idea that you say "you finish YOUR TNP Army project". While I am very proud of the NPA, and i will always continue to work for its benefit, i reject the idea that it is my project alone. If the NPA is to succeed it is going to require the ongoing input from all members of our region, including the security council, including the Vice-Delegate, the Delegate, and future ministers, whoever they may be.
What i meant was you are doing a very good job with NPA and I would like you to succeed and finish the process .if you can do that while being Vice Delegate very well .i wish you best of Luck.
Thank you for appreciating my work as MiniDef. I would like to continue to work with the NPA to ensure that it becomes the magnificent institution it should be.
Always asking how controversial questions, I would like to know your opinion on the following two questions:

What should be the official cheese of The North Pacific and would it's stinkyness be considered in upsetting the status quo in The North Pacific, and,

Do you think Lutfisk is stinkier than the most stinkiest cheese?
A very interesting question Romanoffia, I would be very pleased to answer it. It is in many peoples opinion one of the most significant deciding factors in this election

In response to what the official cheese of The North Pacific should be. I would have to answer it should be a blue cheese definitley, one that is stinky enough to rattle peoples minds and rock the status quo, so we may achieve better outcomes. If i may be so bold I will recommend the Blue Cheese from the House of Castello: A bloomy empire of passionate cheese making, and flirtatious festivity founded by the bon vivant Marquis de Castello.

Is irrelevant that my family is descended from the Marquis de Castello and that the House of Castello is one of the largest donors to the McMasterdonia superPAC that funds my campaign.

By Lutfisk i assume you mean the following definition: lutfisk - dried cod soaked in a lye solution before boiling to give it a gelatinous consistency. I have never smelt Lutfisk before. I imagine it would stink quite a lot, more than the most stinkiest cheese, probably not.

Additional note: When I was in The Netherlands I went to a cheese factory, and sampled hundreds of cheeses (needless to say i felt quite unwell afterwards). These cheeses included green cheese, orange, and some blue cheeses that barely resembled cheese at all. The effect of the combined smell in the room was quite nauseating. Edit: forgot the key point i was going to make here^. So perhaps a combination of different cheeses would be our best bet hmm? That way it would be a distinctly TNP cheese only!
Elections begin soon :) Good luck to all candidates for Delegate and Speaker, and good luck to Felasia my very worth adversary in this election.
TNP is not in civil war and security council has done It's JOB very well in past few years.
Absolutely. We totally never had any problems between the Security Council and the Delegate. The SC never made any random hostile moves on the delegacy and I never brought the region into near lock down as a result. Nope, everything's fine here, move along.

Might I add that the Security Council is a reactionary force and isn't very proactive at all. Its whole purpose is to deal with a coup after its already occurred, which is fairly useless. In fact, the last coup we had by Durka II wasn't stopped by a member of the Security Council at all, it was stopped by me.

All-in-all I'd say the Security Council has done a pretty terrible job in the past few years.
Blue Wolf II:
TNP is not in civil war and security council has done It's JOB very well in past few years.
Absolutely. We totally never had any problems between the Security Council and the Delegate. The SC never made any random hostile moves on the delegacy and I never brought the region into near lock down as a result. Nope, everything's fine here, move along.

Might I add that the Security Council is a reactionary force and isn't very proactive at all. Its whole purpose is to deal with a coup after its already occurred, which is fairly useless. In fact, the last coup we had by Durka II wasn't stopped by a member of the Security Council at all, it was stopped by me.

All-in-all I'd say the Security Council has done a pretty terrible job in the past few years.
The point I was making largely, is that there has been some significant issues in this past term, between the Security Council and the Delegate. Nobody can really deny that. Fingers can be pointed and all that, but its counter-productive.

As Vice-Delegate i would seek to keep the line of communication between the Security Council and the Delegate. I would ensure that we had a strong relationship between the two bodies. Ultimately they need to work together for the interests of the region, not against each other. We need to focus on re-establishing that close working relationship, and restoring faith in both institutions.