Roman, have you any idea how convoluted that is? It wouldn't work, and if we have things that are required to go to a vote quickly (privileged motions, special elections, etc.) there wouldn't be time for a time delaying roll call. The quorum number is recalculated with every admission and removal from the RA, and the SPT is determined every time that happens, or there is a change in one of the elected officials not permitted to serve as Speaker Pro Tempore.
As to communications with RA members, that is something Eluvatar and I have been discussing, and at the moment, it looks like it would have to be something admin based because of limitations with the Zetaboard software platform. PMs are out of the question unless they're sent out individually, and even then we don't have the e-mail notification of PMs that we used to have.
And even if we use email addresses, the problem we're having is that some forum members delete their e-mail address once they are approved for the forum, and that makes any communication impossible.
So we're looking at how to solve these things.
OK, let's simplify the whole thing.
Abolish the quorum rule, abolish activity clauses, and just determine the passage of any legislation voted on just on the merits of 50%+1, abstentions counted as no votes. If someone chooses not to vote, tough nuts on them - their inactivity shouldn't negate the activities of those that choose to participate.
And there you have it. You solve the quorum and activity issues in one fell swoop. And in this way, inactivity in no way affects whether or not the RA can function or not because of stupid quorum rules and inactivity clauses. And it saves the admins a lot of BS when it comes to masking RA members. If their nation CTEs, then they are no longer in the RA. If they move their nation out of the region, they are not in the RA anymore. That simple.
If there are 100 RA members and only 10 people choose to vote on an item, then that item passes with 6 votes.
If 100 RA members vote, then it only takes 51 votes to pass legislation.
No silly quorum, no silly activity clauses, no muss, no fuss, no more dirty diapers or complaints.
If you choose to participate, great; if you choose not to participate then it shouldn't result in the government suffering from idiopathic constipation.
How's that for a simple system?
I think I'll put it up for discussion.