- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
The Rules: Lesson 1
If you are reading this you're more than likely a new recruit or a spy. If you're a new recruit, I urge you to read this section carefully, the rules are the most fundamentally important part of Nationstates and if you wish to truly master the game you need to know the rules first. If you're a spy, read this anyways, you might learn something, and then piss off.
So, without further yapping, here are (most of) the (important) game rules as posted in the FAQ on Nationstates.net.
Frequently Asked Questions as (probably) posted by Max Barry and edited by others as needed
Can I invade other people's regions?
Yes. The practice of "region crashing," where a group of nations all move to a region with the aim of seizing the WA Delegate position, is part of the game. Certain groups within NationStates are particularly adroit at this, and can attack very quickly.
Once I've taken over a region, can I eject everyone else?
You can try. Invader Delegates tend to have very little Regional Influence, which makes ejecting long-time residents difficult. But Delegates can be as kind, generous, evil, or despotic as they wish. It's up to regional residents to elect good Delegates.
What is "regional influence"?
It's a measure of how well-respected a nation is in its region. Nations earn influence in a region the longer they remain there, and the more WA endorsements they have. When a nation leaves, though, its influence in that region will begin to decline.
The more influence a nation has, the harder it is for a Delegate to eject it from the region.
I have more than one nation. Can they all join the WA?
No. You may only have one nation in the WA at any given time. To enforce this, WA member nations must supply an e-mail address.
What if I sneak them in using other e-mail addresses?
First up, don't. This is against the rules, and other people will be annoyed with you when they find out. It's a low, underhand thing to do. And the chances of getting caught are pretty high: the game uses four different methods to detect cheaters.
Nations that try to cheat their way into the WA will be expelled and prevented from re-joining. If you do it with multiple nations, they'll all be deleted, including your main nation. If you're especially annoying, you'll be banned from making any new nations, too. But don't make me do that.
I only have one WA nation, but my brother has one as well and he sometimes uses this computer.
That's asking for trouble. The game uses a few different methods to identify UN cheats, but we have no way of telling exactly whose fingers are touching the keyboard at any given time. So unfortunately if you don't want to run the risk of being ejected from the WA (or worse), you shouldn't let anyone else operate UN nations from your computer, either. (It's usually fine to share a network or IP address.)
It's free speech, so I can post whatever I like here, right?
Ahahahaha! Hahaha! Free speech! No, it's not. I run this web site, see, so you have to play by my rules. It's like my own Father Knows Best state.
What can I post?
You can discuss and argue about almost anything, so long as it's vaguely relevant to politics or NationStates and doesn't fall into any of the categories below. You don't have to be politically correct, but you must maintain a minimum standard of behavior.
What can't I post?
Any content that is:
* obscene
* illegal
* threatening
* malicious
* defamatory
* spam
This applies to your nation's name, motto, and other customizable fields, any messages you write, images you post, or any other content you upload or link to NationStates. If you do, your nation will be deleted. See the site's Terms & Conditions for details.
If you are reading this you're more than likely a new recruit or a spy. If you're a new recruit, I urge you to read this section carefully, the rules are the most fundamentally important part of Nationstates and if you wish to truly master the game you need to know the rules first. If you're a spy, read this anyways, you might learn something, and then piss off.
So, without further yapping, here are (most of) the (important) game rules as posted in the FAQ on Nationstates.net.
Frequently Asked Questions as (probably) posted by Max Barry and edited by others as needed
Can I invade other people's regions?
Yes. The practice of "region crashing," where a group of nations all move to a region with the aim of seizing the WA Delegate position, is part of the game. Certain groups within NationStates are particularly adroit at this, and can attack very quickly.
Once I've taken over a region, can I eject everyone else?
You can try. Invader Delegates tend to have very little Regional Influence, which makes ejecting long-time residents difficult. But Delegates can be as kind, generous, evil, or despotic as they wish. It's up to regional residents to elect good Delegates.
What is "regional influence"?
It's a measure of how well-respected a nation is in its region. Nations earn influence in a region the longer they remain there, and the more WA endorsements they have. When a nation leaves, though, its influence in that region will begin to decline.
The more influence a nation has, the harder it is for a Delegate to eject it from the region.
I have more than one nation. Can they all join the WA?
No. You may only have one nation in the WA at any given time. To enforce this, WA member nations must supply an e-mail address.
What if I sneak them in using other e-mail addresses?
First up, don't. This is against the rules, and other people will be annoyed with you when they find out. It's a low, underhand thing to do. And the chances of getting caught are pretty high: the game uses four different methods to detect cheaters.
Nations that try to cheat their way into the WA will be expelled and prevented from re-joining. If you do it with multiple nations, they'll all be deleted, including your main nation. If you're especially annoying, you'll be banned from making any new nations, too. But don't make me do that.
I only have one WA nation, but my brother has one as well and he sometimes uses this computer.
That's asking for trouble. The game uses a few different methods to identify UN cheats, but we have no way of telling exactly whose fingers are touching the keyboard at any given time. So unfortunately if you don't want to run the risk of being ejected from the WA (or worse), you shouldn't let anyone else operate UN nations from your computer, either. (It's usually fine to share a network or IP address.)
It's free speech, so I can post whatever I like here, right?
Ahahahaha! Hahaha! Free speech! No, it's not. I run this web site, see, so you have to play by my rules. It's like my own Father Knows Best state.
What can I post?
You can discuss and argue about almost anything, so long as it's vaguely relevant to politics or NationStates and doesn't fall into any of the categories below. You don't have to be politically correct, but you must maintain a minimum standard of behavior.
What can't I post?
Any content that is:
* obscene
* illegal
* threatening
* malicious
* defamatory
* spam
This applies to your nation's name, motto, and other customizable fields, any messages you write, images you post, or any other content you upload or link to NationStates. If you do, your nation will be deleted. See the site's Terms & Conditions for details.