Delegate Recall Question


Garde à l'eau!
OK, so what is the deal with BW's recall?

If BW is not recalled, then how do you justify BW's lack of RA membership and being Delegate?

Since BW's absence was announced and hence a legitimate absence, why would BW be removed from the RA, thus disqualifying him from being Delegate in the first place thus negating the need for a vote?

If the removal from the RA is not legitimate under the law (the mitigating circumstance in this instance being an announced absence) then would not a recall vote be irrelevant given the legitimate announced absence?

This is a hole in the constitution that needs to be filled because clearly we have a situation here that isn't covered adequately under the Constitution and is therefore somewhat extra vides.

And would an actual recall of BW have any meaning given what is left of this particular Delegate term?

Frankly, this spasmodic governmental constipation is vaguely reminiscent of a gran mal seizure in reverse.

This matter needs to be cleared up soon because it's beginning to look a lot like anarchy.
A Message Received from Limi regarding this:
To help make things a bit more clear here is a quick explanation about what is going on.

Recall vote - The recall vote is being redone to meet with the requirements the court has said the RA must follow. To recall Blue Wolf from office it requires 2/3 of the entire RA voting for his removal. Anything other than an aye vote will be the same as a nay vote, including simply not voting. Thus abstentions are not any sort of issue for this vote.

Elections - Regularly scheduled Judicial Elections start the first of April. They will open with a 7 day nomination period, then 3 days for campaigning, and then a week of voting. Abstentions are not a problem here either as the use of them is clearly defined in the Legal Code and the court ruled they are allowed for elections.

Special Election - With my resignation the Delegate, or the Chief Justice should the delegate fail to do so, has 48 hours from when I posted it to start a special election for Speaker. This will have 5 days for nominations, a day for campaigning, and then 5 days of voting. As for the regularly scheduled elections abstentions are not an issue here.

Everything else before the RA is still in the drafting phase and not ready for vote, so while there is legislation regarding abstentions in the works there is no time frame for when it is to be voted on, but it is not as immediate an issue right now. Both the judicial election and the special election do not need the Speaker position to be filled as they are run by election commissioners (Elu for the judicial election, Blue Wolf or Grimalkin for the special election). That just leaves the closing of the currently open vote and the start of the recall vote to Grosseschnauzer and/or Govindia depending on how they handle things.

Seems like a lot is in the pipeline, but nothing moving as of yet.
Since others have decided that a Deputy Speaker is an Acting Speaker, under the rules I cannot act as Speaker Pro Tempore on any pending RA matter unless Govindia is absent for 24 hours, and something needs to be done.
Once the vote on Flemingovian Constitution is closed, the next item should be the re-vote on the recall and my motion to overrule Limi's ruling to prohibit abstentions altogether (which based on a clarification by Grimalik in the Court subforum is not what was ruled, just that they had to be used to determine the result of all votes in the RA other than elections.