The Speaker's Desk


I'll be using this thread to keep the RA updated on the current happenings. This will include updates on when votes are opened, when they have closed and their results, when members are admitted and when they are removed. Essentially this is to be a poor man's RSS feed for the RA.

Speaker's Update March 18th:

The RA Roster has been updated following the conclusion of the special election for Speaker of the RA.

Trasker has been removed from the RA due to not posting for over 30 days.

Blue Wolf has been removed from the RA for missing 2 consecutive votes. He missed the vote on TNP Law 33 - Endorsement Cap Law and failed to vote in the special election for Speaker which was the next vote before the RA. While Blue Wolf posted two notices of absence the first came into effect after the end of voting for TNP Law 33 and both were complete in advance of voting in the special election.

New Kervoskia has been removed from the RA due to his nation ceasing to exist.
The Speaker is looking for a deputy. Interested parties should PM the Speaker. This job entails assisting the Speaker in keeping things in the RA organized and the use of mod powers to the RA forums are kept clean and members have access to all information they need.

Currently the following items are at vote before the RA:

Amendment to Law 30, Section 2. Ends 3/21 at 2:00 am GMT

Motion to table Flemingovian Constitution Ends 3/21 at 3:30 pm GMT

Proposed Law on RMB Advertisement Regulation Ends 3/21 at 2:00 am GMT

Romanoffia's S.C. application Ends 3/21 at 2:00 am GMT

Privileged Motion to Recall the Delegate Ends 3/21 at 3:30 pm GMT
The results for the remaining votes are in:

Motion to table Flemingovian Constitution - Failed to reach a majority in favor.

Privileged Motion to Recall the Delegate - Passes with over two-thirds in favor of recall. Blue Wolf is recalled from the office of delegate. As this vote was also the last to be opened it will count as the first in a missed votes

With the recall of Blue Wolf from office I have started a Special Election for Delegate.

Finally, everyone waiting for the voting to end so they can be admitted to the Regional Assembly can rejoice as we've stopped voting on things for now.
RA Voting Procedures have been posted following the need to clarify matters following the court ruling on Blue Wolf's recall and abstentions. I also felt it was about time to have these procedures typed up and posted on the forum.
The Flemingovian Constitution Proposal failed to reach a majority in favour.

The Court rendered the recall of Delegate Blue Wolf II unconstitutional, so the Special Election for Delegate was cancelled as Blue Wolf II is still the legal Delegate of The North Pacific.

The following is now underway for a vote:

Privileged Re-Vote for Recall of Delegate - Ends on 6 Apr. 2012 at 1530 GMT.

Delegate Request for Foreign Intervention - Ends on 8 Apr. 2012 at 0630 GMT.

The following is currently under discussion:

The Order of Succession, Executive Officer Selection, and Abstentions Omnibus Reform Bill - To help clarify the order of succession, selecting officers in the Security Council, and codifying rules for Abstentions.

Legal Code Amendment to Law 22, Sec. 4 on Electoral Fraud - To help codify fraud and deception and to prevent unauthorised requests on the Regional Message Board.
Speaker Pro Tempore Grosseschnauzer has been asked to step up to assist me on pending matters in the RA as I am currently bogged down with work IRL at the moment.
I'm currently taking a break from involvement in TNP. I have missed at least two consecutive votes and ask to be removed from the RA by the Speaker.

EDIT: Before I go, however, I'd just like to present to the Speaker my draft of the Farceocratic Constitution. He may use it however he wishes.


Citizenship shall be overseen by the Speaker of the Assembly, who must be elected by a 7/8ths majority of the Assembly itself in favor of the candidate and a 54/79ths majority vote of the overall existing citizens in favor of the candidate. The Speaker of the Assembly must then appoint a Deputy Speaker, who cannot hold any other positions in the region and must write a four page essay on why they are fit to carry out their duties as Deputy Speaker. The Deputy Speaker will have no duties.

No citizen shall be admitted without 2/3 approval from all admins after being recommended to these admins by the Speaker after the Speaker runs the request by two of the three Court Justices, including the Chief Justice.

If the Chief Justice is not present, a special election shall be held to determine who shall stand in for the Speaker. If two admins are not present, the flag must be replaced with a picture of Rick Astley.

No elected government official shall accomplish anything productive for one month in the year which shall be determined by a vote of the RA (the vote must also be approved by the Delegate and Vice-Delegate for it to proceed).

If the Delegate and Vice-Delegate fail to approve of the month designated by the RA after the vote is completed, a special election shall be held to determine who will choose which month shall be unproductive.

Any who do accomplish anything during this month will be ejected and banned from The North Pacific after they are present in a Trial which shall last 4 months (minimum). They do not have to be prosecuted in the trial; they must only be present during a trial and contribute to it in some fashion.

If the special election is not held, the regional flag must be changed to a picture of Rick Astley.

The delegate will be elected by the Assembly and must stage a coup d’état of the government after at least ten days in office. This coup must ultimately fail. The delegate cannot be prosecuted by the Court for staging this coup. The delegate must endorse every single WA nation in the region. If the delegate fails to endorse a WA nation in the region before 2 hours have passed since they arrived, the delegate must be shot. If the delegate election is ever tied, the Chief Justice must take a video of himself/herself flipping a coin to determine the result of the election and put this video on YouTube.

The Court will be comprised of a Chief Justice and two other (not quite so Chiefish) Justices. All three justices must preside over every trial. If the justices do not get along, they must forfeit their addresses in real life and the Vice Delegate must shit in a paper bag, light this bag on fire, and put it on the justices’ doorsteps at 1:00 AM EST. If the Vice Delegate puts the burning bag of shit on any justice’s doorstep before or after the exact time of 1:00 AM EST, he/she must turn himself/herself in to the police.

There will be a Minister of Cheese that has the ability to assume the position of Delegate of the region whenever he/she so pleases. There will be no elections for the position of Minister of Cheese. You know who you are, Minister of Cheese.

The constitution cannot be edited, even if the entire Assembly wishes to edit it.

Please ignore this paragraph. This paragraph should in no way be offensive to you and should not catch your attention. It is filler. It is simply made to make this document longer and possibly more confusing. If you have an issue with this paragraph, there is something wrong with you and not with the paragraph. This paragraph never did anything to harm you. Maybe you should just leave it alone and go about your business. I’m sure you have a lot to do, so stop wasting everyone’s time by trying to remove this paragraph from the Constitution.

The Court has the power to annul any law passed by the Assembly, as long as the Assembly allows them to do so with a 60% supermajority vote of the entire Assembly. The Court has the power to try and call for the banishment of any individual member of the region for violating the terms of this Constitution and for violating the laws. The Delegate must not ban any members of the region.

Anything that has been omitted from this Constitution is left to the Assembly to figure out on its own.
Mr Speaker, I would like to ask whether or not I, Barbakiueria, is a member of the Regional Assembly. I am pretty sure that I am noting that I have requested to join a while back and once previously had RA masking before gaining NPA masking it's just that I can no longer post in any of the RA sub-forums or forums, except this one if by somehow it may just be a technical error in which I may direct to admin.

Yours Sincerly

You were removed at some point for inactivity or your nation CTE'ing, I can't recall which exactly, I believe.