AT VOTE: Repeal "A Model World Assembly"[Archived] [Complete]


Repeal "A Model World Assembly"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#165

Proposed by: Mallorea and Riva

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #165: A Model World Assembly (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly,

Applauds that this resolution was geared towards the betterment of mankind,

Realizes, however, that no matter the noble intentions, this resolution is neither necessary nor effective,

Recognizes the following flaws in GAR 165:
The General Assembly already dictates that nations must teach their students about international and national affairs, meaning students are already taught about the World Assembly as dictated by GAR #80, A Promotion of Basic Education,
The resolution does not even effect any mild level of change upon national educational systems as it merely "encourages individual schools in nations to implement (these) in their school," although it may cause significant problems when nations' educational philosophies are based around other methods of learning,
The financial costs and logistical considerations involved in introducing and implementing simulated conferences on the local, national, and international level far outweigh the insignificant benefits that could be accorded by the limited merits of this resolution's purpose,
The clause which requires the transporting of children to the WAHQ for the purposes of an international conference would be problematic, should GAR#8 World Assembly Headquarters ever be repealed,
The clause which "requires member nations to educate people" is so vague that it is unclear as to whether "people" refers to the entire population or to only a select group of individuals; this loophole only technically requires member states educate at least 2 of their people on the subject,

Specifies that the lack of clarity within the resolution's text effectively negates its intended purpose, which was "[T]o improve the world..." - and instead, creates a layer of useless, aimless bureaucracy,

Highlights that the WA has suffered from a distinct lack of common sense on many past occasions; as such, simulation of it may not set a good example for students,

Due to these enumerated reasons,

The World Assembly hereby repeals GAR 165, 'A Model World Assembly'

Co-authored by Mousebumples
As far as Zemnaya Svoboda is concerned, this Resolution would destroy a helpful international institution which contributes to education.

As far as I'm concerned this resolution is ego-stroking by its author.

Repealing the WA would sort of undermine the whole mechanics of NationStates.

What they really need is not only an endorsement system for nations, but also an 'anti-endorsement' system that negates the endorsements. Now that would make things interesting.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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