Privileged Motion to Recall the Delegate

Pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific:
3. The Assembly may remove any holder of any elected or appointed office or position by a motion of recall approved by a two-thirds supermajority of the Regional Assembly.

I hereby bring forward a privileged motion for the recall of Blue Wolf II from the office of Delegate of The North Pacific.

He has failed to substantially perform any of the duties of his office. He has failed to complete the transition as the elected Delegate and as of this date, more days have elapsed since his election was declared than the number of days that remain until the beginning of the next election cycle. He has made no effort to solicit the necessary number of additional endorsements that would place him in the Delegate seat beyond the one primary wave of endorsements during the election period. At last count, there were approximately 120 nations he has not endorsed, and could endorse in order to obtain the necessary number of endorsements.

Blue Wolf II has failed to appoint any officials for his term of office or to exercise any duties assigned under the governing documents of The North Pacific to the Delegate. He has failed to pass upon a proposed law presented to him several weeks ago that has passed the Regional Assembly.

It is recognized that he has posted a notice of his expected absence of his duties as Delegate; however, this period has covered virtually the entire period since he posted his oath of office as Delegate, and has impeded the fair and efficient function of the executive branch.

For all of the above reasons, and others that may be noted by other members of the Regional Assembly, I hereby move that Blue Wolf II be recalled and removed as Delegate, pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific.
Blue Wolf was declared the elected Delegate in the January 2012 elections on or about January 19th. Today (GMT) is March 14th; an elapsed period of 55 days. The nominations for the next election cycle are only 48 days away, not taking into account that the Delegate has to set the election calendar in the first part of the month of April and select one or more election commissioners in the month of April.

Because Blue Wolf has a pre-announced absence, the Vice Delegate cannot exercise those functions as an acting Delegate. Given the course of events since the 19th of January, it is quite likely that no calendar will be timely set, nor an election commissioner appointed so that elections can begin on time.

It is unfortunate that this motion has to be brought. However, taking everything into account there is no other course of action that is fair to TNP but to seek to have Blue Wolf recalled and removed as Delegate.
As I recall, the motion to recall Pasargad a few months back had a short period of discussion before a vote started; this will have a similar fast track. I felt there should at least be a chance for discussion before a vote started as it was in that situation.
This thing has already been discussed many times both here and RMB. I motion to get this to vote immediately.
ÀTTM, I'm on my tablet which is hard to use for lenghty posts or to copy /paste. I will start a voting thread by no later than around 1800 GMT which is 2 pm EDT.
In starting a more general thread on the subject of Blue Wolf and whether he can legally remain as Delegate due to his removal yesterday (or this morning depending on one's time zone) by the new Speaker, I made reference to the ongoing vote on recalling Blue Wolf from office as one way of resolving the legal status of the elected Delegate.

In my motion, while I listed an number of grounds supporting the recall, I left open the ability of RA members to add additional grounds in support of the privileged motion.for recall.

I contend that Blue Wolf II's removal from the Regional Assembly due to application of the "two vote" rule of Law 28 is one such additional ground. My primary concern here is to break the paralysis caused by the elected Delegate's nonfeasance in office. The fastest way to get to that point so the region can move on is to pass this privileged motion (whose vote closes within a day but is still open for members to vote, or change their votes. The key here is that it needs a two-thirds majority of those members voting to pass.

Any other way of addressing this will be time consuming and may affect the ability of the region to conduct the next cycle of general elections on time. I ask members who have abstained, or voted against recall, to reconsider their position, and vote to support the recall of Blue Wolf II in order to break the morass and allow the region to move on.
Mr. Speaker, in view of the Court's ruling, I hereby request a new vote on this privileged motion, to begin after a period of time so new members can be admitted, and now ineligible members removed.
Since the court nullified the original vote, it is as if there was no vote, so I am entitled to get a vote on the privileged motion for recall.
I would like to second, the honourable Grosseschnauzers request for a fresh vote of the recall.

The court ruling that abstentions are unconstitutional except in elections, means that we will have a much clearer verdict on this matter.
This has been noted. As the previous recall vote reached an unconstitutional result, due in part to votes not recognized by the constitution for the purposes of recall being cast, a new vote on this matter will be held no sooner than the 29th of March.
Apologies for the delay, I passed out last night and just woke up.

A motion has been made by Assemblyman Grosseschnauzer, and seconded by Assemblyman mcmasterdonia.

The vote is now up and is located HERE.
While I am not going to vote, I will like to point out that I have yet to see a reasonable explanation from BW for his extended leave of absence from the region. Why he has not made any attempt to appoint government officials to a cabinet when he solicited for people to help, and possibly got offers of help and did nothing. It's great he's active again but a proper explanation is still in order.
It is with sadness that I must now point out to the members of the Assembly that the elected Delegate has engaged in a ill-considered and erroneous fallacy in posting a "Security Alert" on the RMB and in the "Delegate's Government" area of these forums, and attacking members of this Assembly and the Security Council for performing their legally protected right to endorse and receive endorsements from the WA nations of TNP, and by calling for unendorsement of those members as a governmental matter notwithstanding the protection on such matters for each nation under the Bill of Rights.

We don't need a court case to determine these facts, or to show how egregious this latest illegal action of this elected Delegate is as additional and sufficient grounds to have him constitutionally and legally removed from office by recall. We have the proper means in hand, and this is the fastest way to settle this matter. His continued occupation of the office of the Delegacy will only lead to more of his mischief, and I do not believe the region is in the mood for this sort of thing from him.

I ask those members who have already voted against in this re-vote to reconsider their vote in light of this recent development.
While I am not going to vote, I will like to point out that I have yet to see a reasonable explanation from BW for his extended leave of absence from the region. Why he has not made any attempt to appoint government officials to a cabinet when he solicited for people to help, and possibly got offers of help and did nothing. It's great he's active again but a proper explanation is still in order.
BW has asked me to post this comment and I have agreed.

Counterpoint: I did nothing illegal and am only attempting to serve The North Pacific's best interests.
The Delegate overstepped his authority inasmuch as it is the Vice Delegate's job to oversee the Security Council, including endorsement levels, and Law 30 is quite clear on that point.

The fact that the Delegate intruded on the Vice Delegate's duties when there is an active and sitting Vice Delegate is actually yet another ground for recall.

We'll save the Law 2 violation for later.