Flemingovian Constitution proposal

As proposed by New Kervoskia:

This constitution replaces all other constitutions and legal codes of the North Pacific. They were too long, too dull and more full of holes than a swiss cheese.

The regional government shall be structured around the Flemingovian mantra:
THE FLEMINGOVIAN MANTRA: "Flemingovia is always right. I will listen to Flemingovia. I will not ignore Flemingovia's recommendations. Flemingovia is god.”

Citizens of TNP (defined as any nation that resides in TNP and/or maintains an account on the forum) have the following inalienable rights:
They have the right to be presumed innocent until Flemingovia decides they are guilty.
They have the right to remain silent. Please, god, remain silent. Please.
They have the right to an attorney. However, they do not have the right to a trial, so what the fuck are you paying one for?
They have the right to be treated equally. Since Flemingovia is omniscient, he cannot treat anyone unfairly. QED.

TNP shall hold firmly to the principle of one man; one vote. TNP declares that Flemingovia is the man and he has the vote.

Flemingovia. Obviously. Why ask silly questions?

Again with the silly questions. Flemingovia. Duh.

Flemingovia shall graciously permit a regional assembly to exist, with only intermittent smiting, who may petition him (with appropriate sacrificial offerings) when issues concern them.

Nah. Don’t work. Never have, never will. All judicial decisions will be referred to Flemingovia.

Why have an appeal when Flemingovia’s decision is manifestly correct?

Flemingovia shall appoint whatever government he sees fit. Government officials shall all dress in lilac, for obvious reasons.

When Flemingovia gets a bit bored with godding over the region all by himself, he shall send his only begotten son to take over. After all, it worked for Jesus.
This is not a voting thread, folks, but a discussion thread. Vote will likely start late Tuesday my time, on all of the items currently in formal discussion.
Is there a second on the motion to table?

If there is, then the vote that starts tomorrow would be on the motion to table, otherwise it will be on this proposal.
Ah, mortals, your minds are too tiny to fathom the incomparable depths of my will. But I am gracious and forgive you the feebleness of your intellects.

BY the way, where is a "motion to table" sanctioned by the procedures of the RA or the constitution?
Under the current constitution, it is sanctioned within the Speaker's authority to determine procedure within the Regional Assembly. The device has been used a few times, but it's been infrequent.
Under the current constitution, it is sanctioned within the Speaker's authority to determine procedure within the Regional Assembly. The device has been used a few times, but it's been infrequent.
I must be missing something. I just read through the constitution again and cannot see that power outlined.

Could you point me to the section that gives you that power?
I move that this proposal be tabled and never brought up again for lack of seriousness.
That is the trouble with folks who cannot think outside the perameters of what has always been.

critics keep implying or overtly saying that this is a joke proposal. it is not. Theocracy has never been tries in a feeder. it offers scope for role play beyond out wildest dreams, it opens up a whole new style of government, it sweeps away the turgid porridge that democracy always descends into, and it distinguishes TNP from all the other feeders.

yes, there is potential for humour. But is that such a bad thing? this region has had its head up its own arse for so long it needs a proctologist to clean its teeth. A bit of light hearted fun might be just what we need.
Should this constitution pass would I still be able to remain Archduke of The North Pacific? I did purchase the title fairly in an auction.

Also, it seems rather silly to hold a vote that if it fails means we then go and have another vote to decide if this passes. All it will actually accomplish is creating even more time new members would have to wait before being admitted. As things stand we're in the middle of a special election that prevents people from being admitted until the results are announced. Why start shoving in extra votes that aren't needed and only accomplish making it more difficult for new members to join the RA?
Section 2: Speaker of the Assembly

1. The Assembly is led by the Speaker, whose task it is to lay out a uniform set of guidelines by which proposed legislation and other actions may be considered and voted upon.
2. The Speaker decides the order in which bills will be voted upon and is responsible for opening and closing each vote.
3. The Speaker is to be given access and speaking privileges within the private Cabinet areas but is not allowed to take part in votes of the Cabinet.

A motion to table, like a motion to amend when it is not accepted as a "friendly" amendment, are both parts of a "uniform set of guidelines" in formal discussion.
This may not be a joke proposal, but in my view that doesn't make it a good proposal. I've stated else where why I don't think this is the solution we need, mostly because the "it has never been tried" part of the idea is a paper thin coating on top and in reality none of it actually offers anything which would address the activity issues here.

Whilst I will vote against this when/if it gets to a vote, I have to say the motion to table is even dumber than the proposal itself. A vote on whether to have the vote or not? That itself is indicative of the problem here.

Lets just have the vote and get this out of the way.
Mr. Speaker in view of the previously announced rule that this proposal would go to a vote if the motion to table failed, I hereby call for an immediate vote.
As you are not currently a member of the Regional Assembly you don't have the ability to motion for a vote to be held.

Also, if a motion is made I'll be having Govindia putting it up for vote as I will be most likely be absent for the rest of the day.
I second the motion... Simply on the basis of no matter how ridiculous it may be, it deserves a vote. At least it can be resoundingly defeated.
A motion has been made by Assemblyman Grosseschnauzer, and seconded by Assemblyman mcmasterdonia.

The vote is now up and is located here.