One of the things that I've always felt has possibly diminished feeder governments is the clear disconnect between the forums and the region. When I was a much younger player, I wanted feeder governments to be run entirely on-site.. which nowadays I'd think of as too radical and chaotic. But as I reflect back on the idea, I wonder if there is something to the idea -- I think the opportunities of having an "assembly" of WA Nations in the region would be incredible.. new people becoming engaged in the region and submitted bills, discussion of bills on the RMB, larger voting electorates. I propose a system where we essentially amalgamate this radical idea with our current system and introduce the "Prime Minister" position which has been popular. There would be the Communal Assembly, the collection of WA-Members in the region who elect the Delegate, Vice Delegate and the CA's Speaker and likewise debate public policy and the region on the Regional Message Board and may vote and submit bills -- you could consider the CA, the "on-site" chamber. There would also be The Regional Assembly, in a reduced capacity from what it is now -- it would now only elect the Judiciary, the RA Speaker and would work with the Delegate to decide on a Prime Minister; you could consider the RA, the "off-site" chamber.
Elu suggested having the Delegate be the sole nominator of the Prime Minister and the Regional Assembly could approve/disapprove, I've proposed a system where either the Delegate or the RA could nominate the Prime Minister and the other has to approve/disapprove, thus the relationship is entirely mutual and symmetrical. I believe the idea of the Prime Minister is that he can be removed at any time with a non-confidence vote by the RA.
Elu also suggested the idea of having two speakers, one for each chamber.
Obviously, because this is a bicameral system, for any bill to pass, it must pass in both The Communal Assembly and The Regional Assembly. Here is a diagram:
Questions? Comments? I'm willing to attend to them!
Elu suggested having the Delegate be the sole nominator of the Prime Minister and the Regional Assembly could approve/disapprove, I've proposed a system where either the Delegate or the RA could nominate the Prime Minister and the other has to approve/disapprove, thus the relationship is entirely mutual and symmetrical. I believe the idea of the Prime Minister is that he can be removed at any time with a non-confidence vote by the RA.
Elu also suggested the idea of having two speakers, one for each chamber.
Obviously, because this is a bicameral system, for any bill to pass, it must pass in both The Communal Assembly and The Regional Assembly. Here is a diagram:

Questions? Comments? I'm willing to attend to them!