Speaker's Disappearence


Mr. Delegate,

Let me bring forth to your attention that the Speaker of the RA has been gone for a total of 15 days as of today. This leave was not known ahead of time and the RA has suffered from this leave.

I ask of you along with the Chief Justice to follow the constitution under:

Article 1- Stipulations
Section 3: Miscellany
Point 10.
10. If any elected official should fail to check into their account for two weeks without prior notice, the dual consent of either the Speaker, the Delegate, or the Chief Justice will commence the special election of a replacement. This replacement will fulfill the remainder of the term.
Vilnoia1, can you post this in the Court area as well so it comes to the attention of the Chief Justice?

I noted the absence, and the likely basis to invoke the constitutional provision that removes the Speaker from office, but I'm not sure the recent court opinion on the powers of the Speaker Pro Tempore allows me to invoke this constitutional provision, and I think it would be better if the Delegate and Chief Justice did so.

On the other hand, the R.A. could invoke recall if need be.
Vilnoia1, can you post this in the Court area as well so it comes to the attention of the Chief Justice?

I noted the absence, and the likely basis to invoke the constitutional provision that removes the Speaker from office, but I'm not sure the recent court opinion on the powers of the Speaker Pro Tempore allows me to invoke this constitutional provision, and I think it would be better if the Delegate and Chief Justice did so.

On the other hand, the R.A. could invoke recall if need be.

If nothing gets done by like Wednesday of this week, I will be calling for a recall.
I notice BW is actually falling further behind, Pas. There will be no transfer soon. He was the same way when he was vice delegate (much like NK has disappeared from every job he's been elected to in the last few years). None of this should come as a surprise to anyone. The only thing dumber would be to repeatedly vote Dalimbar into office...oh wait, we keep doing that too.

[Countdown until one of those mentioned above makes a rare appearance to bitch/flame/make excuses...10...9...8...7...]
The power ought to be given to someone who seems not to be able to leave, no matter how hard they try, and who logs on several times every day.

See my signature for further details
I notice BW is actually falling further behind, Pas. There will be no transfer soon. He was the same way when he was vice delegate (much like NK has disappeared from every job he's been elected to in the last few years). None of this should come as a surprise to anyone. The only thing dumber would be to repeatedly vote Dalimbar into office...oh wait, we keep doing that too.

[Countdown until one of those mentioned above makes a rare appearance to bitch/flame/make excuses...10...9...8...7...]
Had I actually been elected Speaker, this wouldn't have happened. I actually am very active and check the forum at least once a day, if not more.

But oh well :P. That's democracy for you :fish:
The Palindromic Land:
Yet Romanoffia wants to take power from the people and give Blue Wolf more.

/off topic
Oh, no, your statement is precisely on target.

If the people won't govern themselves, then as a matter of course, they will find themselves governed by those who have the will to govern. And that is precisely what I am trying to prevent.

What I am trying to do is to get the region off its duff and spur some real consistent and meaningful activity around here. Until we have increased activity, and people decide that they have the responsibility to govern themselves, they will find themselves being governed by whomever decides to fill the vacuum.

What we presently have on our hands is a government that by its own mechanisms is abdicating government.

Since Pasargad is under the Constitution acting in his capacity as Vice Delegate, he has the authority to act as Delegate until the elected Delegate assumes the reins of government as he was elected to do.

We are heading for a constitutional crisis here and very few of us can do anything at all about it. The government has ceased to function as a result of the its own design. We are wandering aimlessly and its going to lead to some really irritating stuff if we don't take a course correction and fix it.

Believe me, I've been around for a very long time in this region. I've seen some whacky stuff in The North Pacific and have concluded that a real crisis is exactly what may be needed to bring the region back to life.

We have an opportunity here to prove that self government by the citizens of a region is not dead on arrival by virtue of apathy.

If the citizens of the region refuse to govern themselves and take part in their own governance, then it is just a matter of time before someone comes along and does it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again if we don't get things moving.

Instead of talking about and asking suggestions and permissions about how to proceed, just enforce the Constitution and any defects in the Constitution that need to be corrected will appear and present themselves for the proper correction. Do this and you will see exactly what I mean.
I'm still very busy in RL and will be until at least tomorrow, but in any case, I agree completely that elections need to be held. I will host them myself as soon as I can (Monday, probably), but I call upon the Chief Justice to do so if he reads this and I still haven't set up the special elections.
I've related the gist of the above post to the Chief Justice in the Court area thread on this topic. Grimilkin has agreed that the Speaker's office is now vacant.

I'm taking it as a formal agreement that N.K. has vacated the office of Speaker, and as provided in the R.A. Rule, as Speaker Pro Tempore I am Acting Speaker until the election can be held.