Vote for Preliminary Injunction


First of all, I'd like to say hello to our two new Associate Justices, glad to have you both aboard. And we already have a job on our hands.

The Attorney General has filed a request here for a review of the delegate's action in dropping the charges against JAL in TNP vs. JAL and has also requested an injunction on that action. I have issued an emergency order enjoining the action which will be in effect until this court votes to issue a temporary injunction against the Delegate.

I believe there is reason to hear the judicial request and vote AYE on issuing the temporary injunction (which essentially will mean that the case is set to active again).
As nice as it would be not to have to deal with this :P :P ...the judicial request appears to have enough merit to be heard out. I support this temporary injunction.
I agree with us hearing the judicial request. However, as the injunction means the case would be going on as we review the delegate's actions to drop the case, it doesn't make much sense to me, as we could be reviewing something and the whole thing could end up being moot and a waste of time.

I oppose the injunction, therefore.

EDit: oh damn these aren't separate, are they? Support the injunction, I guess.

EDit again: I would like a stay on the case while we deliberate, though.