
TNP Nation
some feeder regions have strict NO AD SPAM policy and some have some guidelines and Laws regarding AD SPAM and in TNP it is the delegate who decides about how to manage RMB AD SPAM. since in the capacity of Acting Delegate till BW takes the seat i have the duty of dealing with RMB AD SPAM i had a discussion with Delegate Elect and he seems to favor Banning any AD SPAM in RMB and to promote more resident participation in the RMB discussion.
would you like to see a Regional Message Board Regulation LAW or leave the AD SPAM policy totally in the hand of the Delegate?
I was just going to ask the Court, once seated, for an opinion regarding the legality of banning and enforcing such a ban against ad spam to see if the delegate already had the ability to do so. However, I guess its not a bad idea to get the ball rolling on a possible law now.

The RMB should be for regional discussion and with various spammers bombarding newly arrived nations with upwards of 4 or more telegrams in less than 5 minutes (due to scripts being legal now) I don't think the userites need to flood our boards with their spam. We have some activity issues as it already is, we don't need newly arrived nations being drown out by RMB spam. Plus spam is annoying. :P
I would like to have a law which formalizes that it is in the discretion of the Delegate.
I like this idea. There shouldn't be any real constitutional issues given that recruiters/adspammers are not citizens nor residents.
We have an opinion of the Court that clearly defines residency in order to be entitled to protection under the Bill of Rights that makes clear that our Bill of Rights does not apply to non-residents, and that opinion specifically pointed out that recruiters were not considered "residents," but representatives of some other region.

That more or less gives the Delegate authority to fashion whatever treatment deemed appropriate.

The last three Delegates have taken an approach that required recruiters to cast any recruiting posts to meet specific criteria that changed from time to time. This approach followed a discussion in the R.A., as I recall, and seemed to be a sensible and light-hearted way of dealing with them, and the ones who couldn't get the hint, well those posts got suppressed.

One of the problems with a total ban is that other than suppressing the posts, it's very difficult to enforce a total ban by methods such as ejection since one has to catch the traveling recruiters in the act. The use of poetry and other limitations did at least force the recruiter posters to show some creativity and entertainment value, and not huge passages of text.

I'm not sure why a court proceeding or legislation is even required.

Edit: Here is the link to the court opimion I referred to above: Court opinion on residency and forum administration
I would like to have a law which formalizes that it is in the discretion of the Delegate.
I like this idea. There shouldn't be any real constitutional issues given that recruiters/adspammers are not citizens nor residents.
What if a citizen / RA member was the one doing the adspamming?
What if a citizen / RA member was the one doing the adspamming?
Have a speedy trial after which the offender gets officially declared a PITA (Pain In The Arse) and then apply the lash to them! :npo:

Either that or make the offender make public supplications to whichever deity the Delegate decides upon.
I would like to have a law which formalizes that it is in the discretion of the Delegate.
I like this idea. There shouldn't be any real constitutional issues given that recruiters/adspammers are not citizens nor residents.
What if a citizen / RA member was the one doing the adspamming?
Per the Court's opinion I linked in my earlier post, two things in response:

If a player has a puppet in TNP that is used to post recruiter spam on the RMB for another region, then their presence in TNP is not that of a resident (See the footnote [*] in the opinion) and they're not protected by the Bill of Rights.

If a truly resident TNP nation spams on the RMB (although I'm not exactly sure how they would even be considered a resident within the Court's definition) then they would be protected by the Bill of Rights and due process would apply. But again, if that puppet nation is used to post recruiter spam on the TNP RMB, it is highly dubious that they were ever a TNP "resident," so I seriously doubt that circumstance can happen.
TNP LAW 34: Regional Message Board advertisement Regulation

(1) Recruiters shall abide by the following provisions in posting advertisements for regions on the regional message board.

(2) No messages shall be posted which:
a) Are over ten lines in length;
b) Use excessive capital letters;
c) Use excessive bolded, underlined, or italicised letters;
d) Use excessive punctuation marks; or
e) Are insulting or offensive towards other nations or regions.

(3) No message containing a link to another region may be posted if at least three of the ten newest posts already contain a link to another region.


4. Delegate of the The North Pacific may issue a warning for the contravention of these regulations by sending an in-game telegram to the offender.


5. The Delegate may at their discretion eject and permanently ban the individual upon the second violation of these regulations.
6. Nothing in this Law shall apply to messages intended to promote the The North Pacific.

From East Pacific forum
The proposed bill is more liberal for recruiter spam than the policies followed by the last three Delegates, maybe more (I believe the Speaker, when he was delegate, also banned spam.) But it is clear that since the era of post suppression started, we've used the entertainment quota to control spam and its content, and it was enforced with the suppression tool.

I'm not sure I even want to see legislation on the issue at this point if we're going to take a step backwards towards the 10-line rule and try to control linkage provided to all who post on any RMB. I think it would be an unworkable process.

I'm not sure I'd favor totally banning from an enforcement perspective. From personal experience, it was enough work to suppress the RMB posts that didn't meet the riddle or poetry rules I posted.
Well, you kill what you catch. Never make a threat that all spammers will be banned because inevitably you'll miss a few. However, the threat that they may be banned should at least deter some of the spammers. The most frequent ones will more certainly be tagged sooner or later and at which point they either must change puppets each and every time they RMB spam TNP or just give up and stick to TG spam.
Ironically, 'suppressing' posts on the RMB tends to have the effect of, how should I say, compelling people out of curiosity to open up and read the suppressed posts. I think big-time spam offenders should get the boot, but there is also another practical means to clear out the spam, taking the vigilance load off the Delegate at times: you just have a number of nations that check in on the board a couple of times each day and to post items to shove the spam off if needs be and/or to post on the RMB items created and designed to annoy spammers (IOW, make their activities less than productive).
I can't tell from the posts (it's been a month) whether this is being pursued as a proposal or not. When not even the sponsor of the proposal has posted in that time, it usually means the proposal has been abandoned.
Regional Message Board advertisement Regulation

(1) Recruiters shall abide by the following provisions in posting advertisements for regions on the regional message board.

(2) No messages shall be posted which:
a) Are over three lines in length;
b) Use excessive capital letters;
c) Use excessive bolded, underlined, or italicised letters;
d) Use excessive punctuation marks; or
e) Are insulting or offensive towards other nations or regions.

(3) No message containing a link to another region may be posted if at least three of the ten newest posts already contain a link to another region.


4. Delegate of the The North Pacific may issue a warning for the contravention of these regulations by sending an in-game telegram to the offender.


5. The Delegate may at their discretion eject and permanently ban the individual upon the second violation of these regulations.
6. Nothing in this Law shall apply to messages intended to promote the The North Pacific.
Please don't number Laws in proposals. It might not pass, or other laws may actually get assigned the number used. I've been waiting for the Delegate to approve the last bill that passed for three weeks now, so at the moment, the next law that is enacted (which may not need the Delegate's approval or veto) will be 33. All that is necessary at the moment for a proposal is the title.
Will move this forward to Formal Discussion.

Unfortunately the procedure used by at least three prior Delegates would be illegal under this proposal.
Will move this forward to Formal Discussion.

Unfortunately the procedure used by at least three prior Delegates would be illegal under this proposal.
I like the flexibility of the Delegate.