AT VOTE: GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Repeal "Medical Blockade Restriction"[Archived] [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Repeal "Medical Blockade Restriction"

A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#74

Proposed by: Connopolis

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #74: Medical Blockade Restriction (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly,

LAUDING the intent of GAR#74 - that being, to allow medical supplies and personnel to freely pass through blockades in order to ensure that individuals are not harmed as a result of political conflict,

WHOLLY AGREEING with the assertion that "[L]ife is fundamentally more important than political or international affairs,"

YET ASTUTELY AWARE that no amount of meritorious intent can compensate for the flaws of any text,

ACKNOWLEDGING that GAR#74 stated, in relevant part:

"REQUIRES any blocking force or forces to grant vessels carrying medical supplies and personnel passage."

APPALLED that such a provision effectively negates the purpose of a blockade, in the sense that any vessel, regardless of its intended content, can be granted free passage through a blockade, so long as it contains medical supplies and personnel.

PERPLEXED by how a World Assembly Statue can be used to guide the searching of delivery vessels, and further contending that such searches are ineffective given that passage cannot be prevented as long as the vessel contains medical supplies and/or personnel, regardless of its other contents.

DESIROUS of a resolution that effectively ensures the transportation of necessities of sapient life, such as medical supplies, while simultaneously allowing nations to enforce their blockades.

Due to these enumerated reasons,


WA Opened: Now
WA Closes: 4 days from now -- 0500 UTC Mon Feb 6
The intent of the resolution was to exempt vessels with medical supplies and personnel from any blockade; to say that is a reason to repeal the adopted resolution is just ludicrous. The adopted resolution, therefore, does not appear to be flawed, and therefore, there is no reason to repeal it.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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