

Let us introduce to you all The Kingdom of Cruxlande and its great target.
We want to live in a land where the only things that count are knowledge and wisdom. We want to live in a land where the only engagement is the improvement of the Self to reach the highest evolution of the mind so to be connected with the ancient knowledge and live a real life based on knowledge itself. We want knowledge and wisdom for all, free of every dogma or institutionalized religion. We want a world where everybody has everything they need and there is no class.
We think people don’t need money; We think money is a tool of power and it just leads to conspiracies, lobbies, planned wars for power. We’d want to eliminate money from our world. We still can not say if this will be really possible but We will try to use money the less we can.
We are constantly improving our social policies in education, welfare and environment so to reach our goal and make people understand what they really can do and what they really have to take care of.
We know our target in not easy to reach and it will take a long time but We totally believe in it and in our will to live in a world really free.
You may think some decisions We made (and We’ll make) are strange but all of them are aimed to achieve our great goal. And We are already doing that.
We want to invite you all to get our view to achieve together this great goal for the good of the whole world.
We invite you all to collaborate to the gratest project ever undertaken and we are open to any sort of advice.
Feel free to visit Our country.

All the best.