International Expositions Act

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage

Proposed by: Astro-Malsitari WA Seat


NOTING the vast cultural heritage and rich, diverse traditions of its member states,

REMEMBERING its goal of "mproving the world one resolution at a time",

BELIEVING that, on occasion, it is called for to improve the world by stopping to recognize the culture and achievements of its member states,

HEREBY declares that an International Exposition of Culture be held every year for the purpose of fostering international goodwill and recognizing the culture of member states,

CREATES the International Exposition Authority (IEA) to regulate the expositions and to select a city within the jurisdiction of a WA member state each year for the purposes of hosting this exposition,

STIPULATES that chosen cities have the right to refuse their nomination,

DECLARES that these expositions should be carried out in the manner of a worldwide fair,

INVITES all member states to set up pavilions at these expositions where they may showcase their achievements and unique culture to citizens of the world,

ALLOWS member states to charge for entry and use of services/facilities in order to help ameliorate the burden of the costs,

EMPHASIZES that the host nation retains the following rights:

to bar entry to certain nations with which they are in economic or military conflict
to expel foreign individuals from the exposition should they break the laws of the host nation
to impose individual standards which respect the purposes and means of this resolution;

FURTHER NOTES that member-states may not omit certain ideologies, cultures, or beliefs from these conventions, nor may they expel nations or individuals due solely to their ideologies, cultures, or beliefs unless the beliefs in question are discriminatory, racist, grotesquely offensive to those who do not practice the beliefs, or physically dangerous.

ENCOURAGES member states to seek funds from private entities to assist with the above goal.

Co-Authored by Connopolis

This came to a vote on the floor of the WA General Assembly at approximately 0400 GMT, Monday, 28 November 2011, or 11:00 p.m. EST, Sunday, 27 November 2011 and will end at approximately 0400 Friday, 2 December 2011, or 11:00 pm EST, Monday, 1 December 2011.

TNP-resident WA members, please post your position on the resolution in this thread, or send it to me by PM here, or by TG at
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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