Hi TNP! I'm returning to the WA General Assembly to pen a draft and I'm looking for your thoughts on the resolution.
The Official Drafting Thread Is Located Here
Decriminalization of Suicide
Category: Human Rights | Strength: Significant | Authored by: Unibot
The General Assembly,
Noting that modern psychiatry has come to recognize suicidal tendencies as a response to depression or a symptom of mental illness and requiring therapy,
Believing that the religious or moral prohibitions of “self-murder” are not strong enough to justify the sentencing and incarceration of those who attempt and fail to commit suicide, since this punishment only further damages the subject’s mental state,
- Affirms that the act of intentionally ending one’s own life, hereby defined as “suicide”, shall not be a criminal offense or breach of law in any member-nation;
- Additionally, the act of attempting to commit suicide shall not be a criminal offense or breach of law in any member-nation;
- Member-states shall not impose taxation on suicide or attempted suicide (see cl.3);
- Any ongoing punishment for breaching obsolete laws against suicide or attempted suicide shall cease immediately;
- Demands a state shall not respond to someone who has attempted suicide as it would respond to a criminal offender simply because they acted to end their own life;
- If a subject committed criminal offenses in the course of an attempted suicide, the subject could be convicted for those offenses, but the actual act of attempted suicide would not be a criminal offense;
- If a subject's suicide attempt directly affects the health and safety of others (e.g., suicide bombing), the subject may be convicted for posing a harm to others, but the actual act of attempted suicide would not be a criminal offense;
- If a suicidal person has not breached the law but is to be institutionalized, this institution must be a dedicated mental health facility, separate from the justice system or penitentiaries;
- Recognizes the underlying motivations behind suicide (e.g., despair, depression) demand therapy and treatment;
- Clarifies that nothing in this act shall impact whether member-nations can criminalize the assistance, aid or abetment of suicide.
The Official Drafting Thread Is Located Here