[AT VOTE] Decriminalization of Suicide[Archived] [Complete]


Hi TNP! I'm returning to the WA General Assembly to pen a draft and I'm looking for your thoughts on the resolution.

Decriminalization of Suicide
Category: Human Rights | Strength: Significant | Authored by: Unibot​

The General Assembly,

Noting that modern psychiatry has come to recognize suicidal tendencies as a response to depression or a symptom of mental illness and requiring therapy,

Believing that the religious or moral prohibitions of “self-murder” are not strong enough to justify the sentencing and incarceration of those who attempt and fail to commit suicide, since this punishment only further damages the subject’s mental state,


  1. Affirms that the act of intentionally ending one’s own life, hereby defined as “suicide”, shall not be a criminal offense or breach of law in any member-nation;
    • Additionally, the act of attempting to commit suicide shall not be a criminal offense or breach of law in any member-nation;
    • Member-states shall not impose taxation on suicide or attempted suicide (see cl.3);
    • Any ongoing punishment for breaching obsolete laws against suicide or attempted suicide shall cease immediately;
  2. Demands a state shall not respond to someone who has attempted suicide as it would respond to a criminal offender simply because they acted to end their own life;
    • If a subject committed criminal offenses in the course of an attempted suicide, the subject could be convicted for those offenses, but the actual act of attempted suicide would not be a criminal offense;
    • If a subject's suicide attempt directly affects the health and safety of others (e.g., suicide bombing), the subject may be convicted for posing a harm to others, but the actual act of attempted suicide would not be a criminal offense;
    • If a suicidal person has not breached the law but is to be institutionalized, this institution must be a dedicated mental health facility, separate from the justice system or penitentiaries;
  3. Recognizes the underlying motivations behind suicide (e.g., despair, depression) demand therapy and treatment;

  4. Clarifies that nothing in this act shall impact whether member-nations can criminalize the assistance, aid or abetment of suicide.

The Official Drafting Thread Is Located Here
The government of the republic of earthly freedom hope that our acting regional world assembly delegate will be supporting this proposal.
I have an interesting question. What the heck is the point of decriminalizing suicide?! I mean, it's the only crime that if you successfully commit it that you can't be prosecuted for! :lol:

And what's the penalty for Attempted Suicide? Death? :lol:
I'm FOR, obviously.

have an interesting question. What the heck is the point of decriminalizing suicide?! I mean, it's the only crime that if you successfully commit it that you can't be prosecuted for!
I've had some people dear to me die by suicide; I think we'd live in a very screwed up world if we call them a criminal and tarnished their name. We weren't always so understanding of suicide.

And what's the penalty for Attempted Suicide? Death?
No, but depressing incarceration was common for years in the Western world and still does occur in some places of the RL world.
For. Some may argue that this deals with human rights and self-choice. This does not make it legal, but removes the concept of a criminal penalty which makes no sense.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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