Request for Court Opinion


I would like to officially request an opinion from the Court concerning the legality and enforceability of civil complaints. Specifically, is there a legal basis and/or precedent for the filing of civil complaints (defamation and libel), and in what ways can the plaintiff be compensated and/or the defendant be punished?
The Court acknowledges your request, and will be investigating. I'm hoping to have the Court make a ruling by next week.

Thank you for your patience.
I Would.offer this observation as an.amicus Curae.

The consitution currently permits.only and criminal.cases in the Court of.The North Pacific. While the last Constitution recognized and permitted.civil.cases, a laws would have to be adopted.granting Jurisdiction to the Court to hear cases that are neither.criminal.cases nor judicial review.proceedings, and the R'A. has not seen fit to adopted such a laws.
:huh: Are people allowed to just pop in and write amicus curiae briefs without first receiving standing or acknowledgment from the court here?
I will grant it, though in future I expect folks to please wait until one of the Justices have said "go".

That being said, the Court grants permission to those wishing to present expert testimony in this matter. However, I will not tolerate anything outside of the presentation of expert testimony.