OFFICIAL RESULTS Judicial Election October 2011

Official Certificate of Election Results

The full tabulation is viewable here complete with shiny pie charts.

Chief Justice[c][c][c]Associate Justice[c][c][c]Attorney General[c][c][c]Candidates[c]Votes[c]Percentage[c]Candidates[c]Votes[c]Percentage[c]Candidates[c]Votes[c]Percentage[c]Dalimbar[c]14[c]87.50%[c]FALCONKATS[c]2[c]6.25%[c]Blue Wolf II[c]8[c]50.00%[c]ABSTAIN[c]2[c]12.50%[c]Greater Peterstan[c]14[c]43.75%[c]ABSTAIN[c]8[c]50.00%

The winners are:

Chief Justice - Dalimbar
Associate Justices - Cakatoa and Greater Peterstan
Attorney General - Blue Wolf II

Two notes need to be made about Blue Wolf II's vote. Firstly, the voter's vote for "JAL" is counted as an abstention as "JAL" is not a candidate, and it has been a common practice by the electoral commission to count invalid votes as abstentions. Secondly, the voter later updated his WA nation information in confidence with the Electoral Commission, hence the asterisk in that column.

One note needs to be made about the Attorney General election. Under TNP Law 26:
TNP Law 26:
"Absentions" are not votes for or against any candidate, and may not be used to determine the results of any election. They may be used to signify a voter's presence for quorum, activity, or other purposes.

Therefore, Blue Wolf II wins with all of the non-abstention votes.