GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Promotion of Intl Education [Complete] [Complete]

Promotion of Intl Education

Description: The World Assembly:

Desiring to promote peace and international good will

Realizing that among the best ways to accomplish this is to promote student exchanges and study abroad programs for young adults attending institutions of higher education in the hopes that memories of other places and people will broaden their minds.

I. Definitions:
1. Higher education as institutes providing post-secondary education that leads to the granting of an academic degree such as, but not limited to, colleges, universities, research institutes, or military academies; OR providing education that leads to the granting of a professional license or rating such as, but not limited to, medical schools or technical-trade schools.

2. Student exchanges as fully enrolled/matriculated students attending an institution of higher education other than their own in a foreign country for a short period of no less than one academic term and no longer than two academic years with the degree/license/rating granted by their original institution.

3. Study abroad as fully enrolled/matriculated students attending an institution of higher education in a foreign country until transferring to a new institution, quitting the institution and returning to their home nation, or fulfilling requirements for their degree program/license/rating.

II. Office for Education Exchange
1. Creates the Office for Education Exchange (OEX).
(a) Charges OEX with developing guidelines promoting student exchanges and study abroad programs within institutes of higher education of member states as well as
(b) Accredit institutes of higher education within member states as having satisfied said guidelines as well as
(c) Develop scholarship programs to allow for students who currently experience financial burden to attend either a student exchange or study abroad.
(d) Designates OEX as the final binding board of arbitration regarding irreconcilable conflicts between institutes of higher education in matters of credit transfers and course applicability to the students’ degree program/license/rating.

III. Institutes of Higher Education
1. Requires member states with such to designate at least one institute of higher education as a candidate for accreditation by OEX for a student exchange or study abroad program.

2. Prohibits discrimination against students in student exchanges or study abroad programs; excepting:
(a) Allows member states to set reasonable requirements for enrollment based on academic standing, language ability, physical requirements (Where needed and in accordance with international law), and/or financial ability.
(b) Allows restrictions to sensitive information and/or facilities where access to such would normally be controlled.
(c) Requires students to meet all other visa requirements of the host nation in accordance with international law.
(d) Allows institutions of higher education to set enrollment caps on the number of foreign students it accepts.

3. Requires OEX accredited institutions of higher education in member states to accept grades/credits from other OEX accredited institutions of higher education.

4. Encourages member states to promote student exchanges or study abroad to their own youth.
(a) Encourages and allows member states to have multiple exchange/study abroad programs beyond this resolution.

Voting Ends: in 3 days
<b>Voting on this resolution has ended.</b>

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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