Proposed and Sponsored by Felasia
Link to Preliminary Discussion
An amendment to the constitution, new change are in blue, former text are inred.
Link to Preliminary Discussion
An amendment to the constitution, new change are in blue, former text are in
Section 3: Miscellany
1. The Legal Code shall consist of Laws passed by the Regional Assembly and carried over by agreement from previous governing documents.
2. The Constitution and Bill of Rights shall share full, constitutional authority with all the rights and privileges that come with that authority. The Legal Code is second only to the previous in legal force. In case of conflict in wording, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights take precedence. Any and all other regulations and guidelines are lower in authority than the Legal Code unless otherwise specified.
3. All Government bodies are allowed to create rules for its own governance.
4. The Speaker of the Assembly, and the Delegate and Vice Delegate shall each be elected to 4-month terms.
5. The members of the Judiciary (including the Chief Justice) shall each be elected to 6-month terms.
6. All elections shall be held on the region's official off-site forum.
7. Candidates for these elected officials must be members of the Assembly for 30 days before nominations begin.
8. Election of the Speaker of the Assembly and Judiciary officials shall require a plurality vote of the Assembly,
9. Election of the Delegate and Vice Delegate shall require a majority of the votes cast by the Assembly.
10. If any elected official should fail to check into their account for two weeks without prior notice, the elected official will be automatically removed from office after it was notified to the Regional Assembly of this inactivity by any Regional Assembly member. The special election for a replacement will be held within 7 days followings the removal.the dual consent of either the Speaker, the Delegate, or the Chief Justice will commence the special election of a replacement.This replacement will fulfill the remainder of the term.