[Complete]SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION: Repeal "Condemn The Black Hawks"[Archived]

Repeal "Condemn The Black Hawks"

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #52: Condemn The Black Hawks shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


ACKNOWLEDGING the existence and intent of the Resolution Condemn The Black Hawks, abbreviated as CTBH in this resolution,

REALIZING that "region" and "nation" were switched in the 'REALIZING' clause of CTBH, making the clause have little meaning,

COGNIZANT that The Black Hawks use a style of raiding where regions are not taken and held permanently in most cases, contra to what was stated in CTBH,

EXPOUNDING upon this by describing the raiding style of The Black Hawks to be little more than tagging the World Factbook Entry of invaded regions,

BELIEVING that tags on the World Factbook Entry do not have a cooling effect on free speech and democracy,

FEELING that nations all over the world share their opinions without regard to The Black Hawks, proving that The Black Hawks do not have a cooling effect on free speech and democracy,

AWARE that regions with active founders are immune to raids, allowing nations in those regions to have free speech and participate in democracy no matter how many raids The Black Hawks are a part of,

NOTING that the proposal 'Commend The Black Hawks' failed to even reach quorum in the Security Council,

FEELING that a proposal that did not even come up to vote is not worthy of being a reason for a condemnation,

ALSO KNOWING that 'Commend The Black Hawks' had the help of nations outside The Black Hawks and was not a conspiracy by any means of the word,

RECOGNIZING that the Security Council is one of the two branches of the World Assembly and is here to stay, forever and ever, until the demise of this World Assembly itself,

THEREFORE FINDING that The Black Hawks cannot and in no way endanger the survival of the Security Council,

HEREBY REPEALS "Condemn The Black Hawks" for the above reasons.

Voting Ends: in 2 days 22 hours
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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