RA Membership Inspection


In accordance with the North Pacific Legal Code, I would like for each member of the Regional Assembly to submitted the following information to me for inspection of your membership qualification.

TNP Nation Name: [url=http://www.nationstates.net/nation]TNP Nation[/url]
WA Nation Name: [url=http://www.nationstates.net/nation]WA Nation[/url]
For Example:

TNP Nation Name: Denarian Knight
WA Nation Name: Denarian Knight

Please submitted the following information before Friday 10th June 2011.
Oh, right. I forgot to mention that you can post the information here or if you don't want anyone to know your WA then you can also PM it to me.

Thanks :)
Technical note: when copying and pasting your NS nation link, please use the the URL feature at the top of the reply box for your posts.

TNP and WA nation : Grosseschnauzer
I will be conducting a review during this weekend and nation who didn't submit their TNP and WA nation info will be review with their old information submitted on their application.

Violation or lack of information may result in termination of membership.