Repeal "Food Welfare Act"

Repeal "Food Welfare Act"

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #52: Food Welfare Act (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

ACKNOWLEDGES that many of the recommendations made by the Food Welfare Act are sound;

RECOGNISES, however, that the problems of starvation and malnutrition are insufficiently addressed by this resolution, creating several problems:
1) Dumping food from prosperous Member States into recipient nations through the "surplus donation system" may drive local farmers out of business;
2) The IFWO does not provide any reason for the governments of recipient nations to reduce their dependency on food aid, leaving the system open to abuse;
3) The provision allowing governments to "seize food" from local farmers and from businesses may deter social enterprises from achieving community solutions;
4) The mandate of the ITA to "gradually reduce protectionist practices" and "manage trade issues" is overly broad and vague, which prevents the World Assembly from passing better trade legislation;

CONCERNED that the Food Welfare act may have unintended consequences as a result of these problems, aggravating the hardships experienced by people suffering from starvation and malnutrition:
1) Food aid provided by the IFWO may be resold on the black markets of nations that experience famine, at prices that undercut local food producers;
2) Governments of nations receiving unconditional food aid from the IFWO may divert funds from their own food-support budget to their military budgets;
3) Permitting governments to seize food supplies from local farmers may lead to some farmers refusing to cooperate in producing additional food for the benefit of the nation;
4) Food aid provided by the IFWO may be offset by other economic programs, such as tariffs and agricultural subsidies, hollowing out the agricultural sectors of recipient nations;

LAMENTS that the aid programmes established by this resolution may result in greater harm to nations in need of assistance;

REPEALS the Food Welfare Act.

Voting Ends: in 3 days 12 hours (at the time of this post).

If the criticisms that show that the originally adopted resolution was poorly written are accurate, then a repeal would be in order.

Hopefully, someone will come up with a better written proposal to replace this.