Repeal "In Regards to Cloning"
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #142: In Regards to Cloning (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: While the General Assembly recognises the intent behind Resolution #142, “In Regards to Cloning”, it notes the following flaw:
The Resolution specifically:
DEFINES clone as 'the organism that is an exact genetic copy of another'
The wording used includes organisms that reproduce naturally in a number of ways in the definition of 'clone'.
Examples of organisms included in the definition are:
Any organism which reproduces by binary fission, in which the parent organsim divides into two genetically identical offspring.
Any organism which reproduces through budding, in which a genetically identical offspring grows off a ‘mother’ organism.
Any plant which reproduces by vegetative reproduction, in which a genetically identical plant grows from the leaf, runner, or rhizome of another plant, or from the stem of a damaged plant, or from new shoots on an existing root system, or arise from tubers or bulbs.
Any organism which reproduces through asexual sporogenesis, in which a genetically identical offspring develops from a mitospore after dispersal.
Any organism which reproduces through fragmentation, in which genetically identical offspring from fragments of the parent organism.
Any organism which reproduce through parthenogenesis, in which the female of a species produces genetically identical offspring from an unfertilised egg.
Any organism undergoing asexual reproduction, not mentioned in the list above.
Based on this definition of cloning, General Assembly Resolution #142 “In Regards to Cloning” is rendered in a different sense than that in which it was meant.
For the above reason, the World Assembly hereby repeals “In Regards to Cloning”.
Voting Ends: in 3 days 21 hours (at the time of this posting).
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #142: In Regards to Cloning (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: While the General Assembly recognises the intent behind Resolution #142, “In Regards to Cloning”, it notes the following flaw:
The Resolution specifically:
DEFINES clone as 'the organism that is an exact genetic copy of another'
The wording used includes organisms that reproduce naturally in a number of ways in the definition of 'clone'.
Examples of organisms included in the definition are:
Any organism which reproduces by binary fission, in which the parent organsim divides into two genetically identical offspring.
Any organism which reproduces through budding, in which a genetically identical offspring grows off a ‘mother’ organism.
Any plant which reproduces by vegetative reproduction, in which a genetically identical plant grows from the leaf, runner, or rhizome of another plant, or from the stem of a damaged plant, or from new shoots on an existing root system, or arise from tubers or bulbs.
Any organism which reproduces through asexual sporogenesis, in which a genetically identical offspring develops from a mitospore after dispersal.
Any organism which reproduces through fragmentation, in which genetically identical offspring from fragments of the parent organism.
Any organism which reproduce through parthenogenesis, in which the female of a species produces genetically identical offspring from an unfertilised egg.
Any organism undergoing asexual reproduction, not mentioned in the list above.
Based on this definition of cloning, General Assembly Resolution #142 “In Regards to Cloning” is rendered in a different sense than that in which it was meant.
For the above reason, the World Assembly hereby repeals “In Regards to Cloning”.
Voting Ends: in 3 days 21 hours (at the time of this posting).