As my application to the RA is nearing 14 days old without an acceptance or denial I'd like the court to explain the following:
What is considered "responding to an applicant? In my case, the speaker has posted in the designated thread that my application is currently under review, but is this considered responding?
Is responding a post stating whether an application is accepted or denied, or is it a post or private message stating that the application has been noticed? If in the case of the latter, using the wording of the law at face value, this opens the potential issue of abuse whereas a speaker can state they have seen the application and then leave an applicant in limbo by having responded to them but not actually accepting or denying the application so that they do not automatically become a member of the RA.
Law 28:2. The Speaker or assigned deputy, shall respond to applicant requests within 14 days. Failure to respond to the applicant within the specified period will result in automatic admittance of the applicant to the Assembly.
What is considered "responding to an applicant? In my case, the speaker has posted in the designated thread that my application is currently under review, but is this considered responding?
Is responding a post stating whether an application is accepted or denied, or is it a post or private message stating that the application has been noticed? If in the case of the latter, using the wording of the law at face value, this opens the potential issue of abuse whereas a speaker can state they have seen the application and then leave an applicant in limbo by having responded to them but not actually accepting or denying the application so that they do not automatically become a member of the RA.