Announcement from the Chief Justice

This is one of those situations where there are no real rules to follow, and I am relying on existing procedures to fashion this announcement.

As many of you know, Dalimbar resigned today as Delegate, and until a special election is held within 2 weeks, Blackshear is serving as Acting Delegate.

If he is elected at the special election, then there will be a subsequent special election for Vice Delegate.

Blackshear has asked me to serve during this interim as acting Vice Delegate, and I have agreed to his request.

In order to avoid potential conflict of interest during this interim period, I am taking a leave of absence as Chief Justice. The Court has two serving Associate Justices, and they have the authority to appoint a temporary judicial officer to sit with them if the need arises during this interim for a three-member Court panel. We have several active members of the RA who have served on the Court in the past, and who are therefore qualified for such a temporary appointment.

Once the constitutional process of electing a new Delegate (and possibly a new Vice Delegate after that) is complete, my leave of absence will expire, and I will resume my duties on the Court.
I would like to express my gratitude to Grosseschnauzer for taking on this role on such short notice. During a fast moving and fluid time he stepped up to the plate for the good of the region and for this he should be commended.
I think it is a great decision, BS.

Thanks to Gross for accepting the position during this transition period.
With a heavy heart, I must resign the office of Chief Justice in order to assume my new responsibilities as the elected Vice Delegate of TNP.

I appreciate all of the cooperation I have enjoyed from those who have served with me during this most recent tenure I have had on the Court, both those who served as associate justices and attorneys general.

I am grateful that during this tenure we finally adopted rules of evidence and procedure that will allow future court proceedings to take place in a fair, efficient, swift and timely manner, and I trust that my successors on the Court will fairly administer the work of the Court according to those rules.

I thank all of you for this opportunity to have once again served as Chief Justice of the Court of The North Pacific.
I would like to first start as to give a great round of thanks to Grosseschauzer for holding to position of Chief Justice and i hope that wish him nothing but the best in his new position.
I would like to Announce a Position for a Court Justice and also for that of Attorney General If you would like to Accept any of these position please announce or send a PM thank you and long live TNP
I Do not know if this is the right place to make this announcement but by many hours of thinking I hereby announcing that I have selected as Acting Attorney General Eluvatar.
I am obliged to inform the Court that Dyr Nasad's RA membership was terminated in accordance with the legal code of the North Pacific for inactivity. (Defined by not posting anything for more then 15 days without prior notice.)

It's my understanding that his term as justice will also be terminated?