PM Notifications

I've contacted Zetaboards Support, and I have been advised that the feature we had on the old platform by which users could opt to receive e-mail notifications of PMs sent to their inbox is not supported on the Zetaboards platform.

I've put in a suggestion that this be included, but I'm sure we all know that will be a hit or miss proposition.
Just to comment on this as it was something I looked into when TSP was talking about converting. That particular feature is only available to Zeta Premium users at this time and may released at a later date for all forums. But that may have changed since the last time I looked into it.
I've engineered a system to email all the RA members (or all the citizens) via Google.

Grosse-- you actually have access to it through the forum's email address. We should talk about how it works.

It would be nice if either of us could accept a message for sending from the speaker or delegate and then send it.

(The system SHOULD NOT be opened up to the speaker or delegate as it includes a list of TNP emails)