Delegate Flemingovia,
I am asking as a Regional Assembly Member of The North Pacific to please approve the following proposal, for the liberation of the Republicans. I believe this region is in great need of security council support for their liberation against The Greater German Reich.
I am asking as a Regional Assembly Member of The North Pacific to please approve the following proposal, for the liberation of the Republicans. I believe this region is in great need of security council support for their liberation against The Greater German Reich.
Liberate Republicans
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region
Category: Liberation
Nominee (region): Republicans
Proposed by: Unibotian WA Mission
Description: The Security Council,
Having considered the following annotations:
Annot.1 § In March 2010, Republicans reportedly had a moderately sized region (6-13 nations) including a delegate. Following the founder's cessation of existence shortly thereafter, Republicans degraded over the course of the year into a region with approximatively two natives residing in it,
Annot.2 § Borrachia moved to Republicans on Nov. 25 2010, as a "sleeper" for the The Greater German Reich, which means Borrachia sat in Republicans to develop regional influence there with the intent of furthering the aims of a foreign force -- in this case, the foreign force was the Greater German Reich. On Nov. 30 2010, Maritime Cities, German Irish Bund, Wasaplol, Tinajeros and Drayerstone, crashed into the region and endorsed Borrachia. Shortly after -- with these endorsements -- Borrachia attained the position of WA Delegate in Republicans. Although at least one defender group strongly suspected this was a raid, the supposed invaders seemed to be benevolent and the natives made "no reply or confused responses" when contacted by the Founderless Region Alliance (FRA) in regards to their new delegate,
Annot.3 § Following a series of debates on Republicans' Regional Message Board (RMB), the natives concluded that the new occupants of the region, Borrachia and its entourage, "must be okay". Nonetheless, Borrachia ejected a few relatively new natives, The Freeturf, The Hut and House and Hancok from Republicans with little or no explanation as to why this action was neccessary. In response, Freeturf founded Conservadom, which has inadvertently served as a refugee haven for the victims of the Republicans invasion,
Annot.4 § On Dec. 20 2010, Borrachia had accumulated enough regional influence to impose a password on Republicans. Shortly after the imposition of the password, two natives, Ipsens Castle and Heleneslandgrant were ejected and banned from Republicans. With a password secured, the Greater German Reich was more open and frank about its intentions for the nominated region. The Greater German Reich declared that Republicans was the Reich's first "Reichskommissariat" (a territorial acquisition) and demanded that the only remaining native not resist the "dominance" and "subjugation" of the Reich over Republicans,
Recognizing that the Greater German Reich's password abets its subjugation and perhaps destruction of Republicans which surely threatens interregional peace and goodwill, and the activity, access and amenities of said region,
Believing the Security Council has a duty to prevent the abuse of the World Assembly's administrative powers by the Greater German Reich,
Hereby Liberates Republicans.
Sponsored by the natives of Republicans, including but not limited to TheThanksgiving Turkey, Britarvia and Hancok.