Dali for Delegate


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
So, I intend to keep this short, as it is New Years Eve, and frankly I'm more comfortable with answering specific questions than writing out long winded speeches that don't get responses.

To get the inevitable smear campaigns out of the way, no, I do not have the time, energy, drive or ambition to coup or "go rogue". Even though Rouge is a fantastic colour, I don't intend to force it on anyone this time. There is frankly no point in me being elected again and betraying your trust by ejecting people for shits and giggles or to set up a regime that will only fall down in five days (even though mine lasted a month after I had five months of legal status back in 2007, thank you very much). Yet, elect me, and you will find someone who is a task master, and I will not hesitate to have people work for this region.

I'm tired of the lack of drive, the lack of vision, the lack of leadership present in the executive. Contrary to claims made elsewhere, it is not good enough to simply sit down and expect things to happen while one goes "lalala" and ignores the problems of the region. If one wishes to make changes, they must work for it. This is why I am quite happy to have been the Speaker of the RA last term, and quite happy to have worked with the RA in order to do house cleaning work, removing redundancies and making the process a more efficient system. Is it perfect, is the work done? God no. Will it ever be perfect? There is nothing that is perfect. We just need to make it work for us.

That being said, I will be appointing a small cabinet (the "Executive Council of The North Pacific") and other advisers and officials to aid me in the following:
1. To ensure The North Pacific is properly represented in the foreign sphere, including the World Assembly, the feeders, and major userite regions.
2. To negotiate collective security agreements between The North Pacific and regions friendly to us, without following an ideology based on defenderism or invaderism.
3. To better communicate with our residents, citizens and allies, including through the use of video and audio resources.
4. To work with the Regional Assembly in order to eliminate further inconsistencies and redundancies in the Constitutional framework, and to promote a smaller and more flexible Constitutional framework.

Obviously, there will most likely be more things added to that list, but that will occur on a case-by-case basis.

In terms of other aspects of activity, I want to hear what you want. In some aspects I am a believer that the government does not need to get involved, nor do I think it is in the best interest of the region to have the Delegate do all the work. So I would be delighted to see someone start a newspaper, start up RP threads, establish an Anti-Spam group similar to the CommRangers, etc. If you have something that you want to do for this region, know that I will be supportive and will try to help make it happen.

That's it for now, and I will release more information tomorrow. I look forward to a great race, and I wish the other candidates in this election, and especially those who are running against me for the Delegacy, the best of luck!
This is short version? I don't want to think about a long one with more information tomorrow.... >_<

Some questions from me as well.

You have stated your intention to create collective security agreements between The North Pacific and regions friendly to us, could you please name a couple of regions that you think would be possible for TNP to form this agreement with and whether any concession would have to be made by TNP?

Wouldn't your plan to work with the Regional Assembly in order to eliminate further inconsistencies and redundancies in the Constitutional framework, and to promote a smaller and more flexible Constitutional framework be more effective if you remains in a role of Regional Assembly Speaker instead of WA Delegate?

You have stated that the government does not need to get involved in all matters and that you do not think that it is in the best interest of the region to have the Delegate do all the work like Newspaper, Anti-Spam Corp, but no one have start any of this during Flemingovia term either? What makes you think that the region will be able to start this by itself without government or delegate mandate during your delegacy?
*Chuckles* I can be wordy, I suppose :P

Regions off the top of my head for any collective security agreement would be Equilism and The West Pacific, yet I will, provided I am elected of course, be open to exploring other possibilities. For anything like this to work, we will need to revive a basic form of the North Pacific Army. However, this potential and hypothetical agreement will allow us to re-enter into the diplomatic scene, allowing us to share resources (such as intelligence and military resources) with regions that we trust, in order to provide for not only our protection, but for our allies protection. This collective security framework will not force us to be either defender or invader. It will be a loose structure, not with over-bloated bureaucracy that stifles the spirit of what we wish to do nor corrupts it.

I've been happy as Speaker, but I feel that the RA also needs some outside assistance to get the job done. A collaborative approach between the Executive and the Legislative branches, in order to see which areas of the Constitutional framework need to be outright eliminated and which areas need modification, in my opinion works best. This is what I'm going for: collaboration and consultation in order to make the reforms we need for this region take place.

On your last point, what I was trying to bring up is that as Delegate, I am more than happy to support various initiatives without going "lalala, I can't hear you" or being dumped with everything myself. I speak from experience when I tried to do this last time I was Delegate, and as we all know it did not end so well. If people wish to do certain things, they can and they should be encouraged. If I think that something needs to be done, then I will certainly say so, and will expect someone help me with that.
To get the inevitable smear campaigns out of the way, no, I do not have the time, energy, drive or ambition to coup or "go rogue". Even though Rouge is a fantastic colour, I don't intend to force it on anyone this time.

Isn't that roughly what you said last time, just before you went rogue? It is not a "smear campaign" to fear that the minute things do not go your way you will go rogue again. Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me.

And if you do not have the do not have the "time, energy, drive or ambition" to go rogue, what makes you think you have these qualities for the harder thing, which is being delegate WITHOUT going rogue?
Flem, I hate to see you act like this. I know you are a better person than this. We haven't seen eye to eye on a lot, but are you willing to discount the many times, including this term, where I have tried to work with you and the rest of the forum community to achieve something better? If I was such a bad guy, why would I have cared where you were while we in the Regional Assembly were trying to have *some* input from you?

I do wish to applaud you for your service to this region, Flem. I know that you had a particular direction you wanted to go in, but personally I don't believe this policy is sound and is beneficial to our community. I don't know what was going on in your head during this term, but I always hoped it was good intentions instead of neglect of the community. I voted for you last election because I thought you would be the one to actually be able to press the restart button on the region. When I became Speaker, I was more than willing to talk to you, to hear what you wanted to do, and have us make strides to get rid of non-essential things. I had a good working relationship with Grosseschnauzer and the RA, so I'm disappointed that you don't seem to wish to discuss policies or priorities, but my past. Which I admit is an unorthodox past. But this term as Speaker, and working with members of the community and of the RA, has shown me that it is more rewarding to see particular steps be passed in order to achieve a particular goal instead of smashing things up and running away to inevitable failure.
please do not dismiss or demonize reasonable fears as "acting like this". it is always easier to attack the poster than the post - but I think my questions were valid, and if I were not asking them others would - in private if not in public.

You had a crack at delegate. You made promises and assurances then too. But you went rogue. It is surely not unreasonable to fear that the same will happen again.

You have done a lot for the region, nobody would deny that, least of all me. But the one time you were given delegate power it went to your head and you abused it with disastrous consequences. Should you be given the same power again?

Comparing our candidacy on this one issue, there is nothing certain in life except death and taxes, but I am pretty sure that there is nobody in the NS community who thinks for one moment that I will go rogue. Should you win the election, I will step aside in a moment despite my fears. vox populi vox dei.

People can trust me not to go rogue. Given your history my question is, how can we trust that you will not go rogue again?
Flem, do I have a crystal ball here? Or tea leaves to tell me what I'm going to do and what I am not going to do? No, sir, I do not. What I have been saying, and what you have been ignoring, and will say again and again every time you wish to raise this up to try to salvage your Delegacy is that I. Do. Not. Want. To. Coup. Period. It's boring. It's tedious. I've done it a couple times, I'm over it. If you want me to change my past, well, I'm afraid I can't do that. Tough luck.

Yes, how nice of you to not go rogue. But where were you this term? I don't think being apathetic and neglecting us is any much better, frankly. So, the rest of the region did the work of house cleaning. It wasn't me who passed the legislation, but all of the Regional Assembly. We wanted you involved. We wanted you even to just sign in and make sure you filled in the right forms to make your Delegacy a legal one. Yet, that took a good part of the term to do, after numerous telegrams and private messages, and then a threat of recall. Which you didn't seem to care about at all. So, what were you doing? I can admit I've been a bad boy. Can you?
I freely admit my track record and failings. If you look at my campaign thread you will see that I have been quite open about what I have achieved and what I have failed to achieve this last term.

I have not achieved as much as I would like, no.

I hear your words. I hear you saying that you do not want to go rogue. Few people do, when they stand for election. It takes a particular type of snake to lie from the outset, and I do not believe that you are cut from that cloth. But you admit that you do not have a crystal ball to predict your future. My fear, which I honestly share with you, is that when the voices start whispering in your ear (as they have in mine this term, believe me) and when constitutional delegacy starts to get a chore and frustrating (as it does to all of us from time to time) you will do what you have done before in those circumstances.

Make no mistake, If you become delegate I will support you 100%, as I have every other elected delegate. You will have my unqualified support as delelgate, and as such I hope that you can resist the temptation to coup.
I'm frankly not sure what else I can say on this particular subject. If the voters are that concerned with any imagined temptation I might or might not have with the thought of couping the region, then they will let me know when the vote happens. I know I've already disappointed the usual suspects when I've quashed ideas for another failed attempt at coups, but I can live with that. If you are elected Delegate again, I will be more than happy to help you in whatever it is you want to do. I don't feel this election should be about who did what or when, but what we as a region can do. I coup'ed last time because I was not happy being ceremonial, I wanted to have some input in the direction of the region. Now that the Delegate actually can do that, I'm quite happy with that. I personally think that we need to have newer players in higher positions of authority, and if elected Delegate I want to make sure they can make a difference. Yet, I don't want to ignore older players either, because frankly they have been the foundation of this region, and continue to be the foundation of this region.

In four months if I can sign a collective security agreement, increase the number of people participating in our governmental structure, make sure we have Ambassadors representing our interests in foreign regions, work on re-establishing the NPA and NPIA, and make sure that TNP is being seriously regarded in interregional diplomacy, I will be happy. I know I can do this. I will need help from the region to do this, however. And that is the point. It isn't just me or you or whoever is Delegate, it's having the region do productive things. These aren't glittery promises, my friend. As Nee and other people know, I hate glitter.

Also, I will also note as an aside that on Monday I will not be able to answer questions. I will be traveling from BC back to Ottawa, and won't get back until late at night. So please don't be concerned with any delay on responses during that time.
I think Dali has been very active as RA speaker ,,, and i think there should be penalties in place for going rouge to discourage future delegates from doing so like ban from forum or suspension of account for limited period
Understandable. I do have to agree that we need to ensure that people don't regard TNP anymore as the "Afghanistan of NS" or simply a potential jewel in their crowns. And I don't mean any disrespect to the Courts, but time and time again (including during my month "rogue" period in 2007), there is no real means to actually reduce the incentive to have people come into our region and go nuts with the Delegacy. That being said, if you or another RA Member wishes to present to the Assembly legislation to provide stricter penalties to people who do "coup" or "go rogue" or whatever the terminology we wish to use, then I say go for it. I certainly will be interested in having a reasonable dialogue about this, and any issue that Members wish to address, so that we can keep our region and our community safe and strong.
Without wishing to hijack someone else's thread, it is worth remembering that one of the first acts of most rogues is to create an alternative forum which they can control.

Therefore sanctions on Z13 are hardly likely to prove much of a deterrent to potential rogues.
Aye. That particular penalty/punishment would only be meaningful after the rouge Delegate has been ousted and the proper forum community (this forum, z13) reinstated with a legal Delegate. Naturally, like in all cases that a Delegate has gone rogue, there are means in place to ensure that they have as little impact as possible on the forum community (such as reducing their previous maskings to the bare minimum, keeping them out of sensitive locations on the fourm, etc), but I would imagine that a forum banning punishment to a rogue Delegacy would have to be part of the Legal Code, and a subsequent decision to use the forum banning punishment be made after a trial before the Courts.