FD: Repeal Azure Articles of Alliance


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
As proposed by Westwind:
Azure Articles of Alliance

We the regions of the Azure Alliance do ordain and establish these Articles of Alliance to ensure our security, promote our interests, and build a interregional community among us.

Article I: Rights of Member Regions

1. Each Member Region has a right to be defended by the Alliance against invasion or insurrection.
2. Each Member Region has the right to regulate its own affairs except as it is responsible to the Alliance.
3. Each Member Region may maintain any number of other agreements and alliances as long as they do not conflict with the region's obligations under this Alliance.
4. Each Member Region may recall its Senator at any time for replacement.
5. The Region's Government when the Region joins will be recognized by the Alliance as the legitimate government of the Region, and the legal system of that Government will be respected by the Alliance.

Article II: Responsibilities of Member Regions

1. Each Member Region must aid in defending any Member Region that requires assistance.
2. Each Member Region must keep in confidence information classified by the Alliance.
3. Each Member Region must select a Senator to represent them in the Senate following some manner established by the laws of that region.

Article III: Positions of Authority

1. The President of the Alliance shall direct all activities of the Alliance.
2. The Senate of the Alliance shall be informed of all decisions by the President.
3. The President shall appoint, and the Senate confirm, Secretaries to carry out the duties of the Alliance.
4. The Senate may remove any Secretary by a two thirds vote.
5. The Senate shall be privy to information gathered by the Alliance and may classify such information.
6. The Senate shall select the President by majority vote.
7. The Senate may remove the President by a two thirds majority.

Article IV: Protocol for Voting

1. A vote of the Senate shall require more than the stated proportion of all Senators.

Article V: Protocol for Leaving

1. The Senator of any Member Region may at any time begin the process of leaving the Alliance by declaring intention to leave in the Senate.
2. If after two weeks the Senator of that Member Region has not repudiated the intention to leave, the Member Region will have left the Alliance.

Article VI: Protocol for Admittance

1. The President may at any time submit a request to admit a new region to the Senate.
2. To admit the region, the Senate must approve in a two thirds majority vote.

Article VII: Protocol for Amendment

1. The Senate may propose an Amendment to these Articles by a two thirds majority vote.
2. An Amendment shall be Ratified if, within one month of it being proposed, three quarters of Member Regions ratify it in a manner determined by their laws.


President Eluvatar of The North Pacific,
Emperor Moo-Cows with Guns of The Pacific,
Minister of Foreign Affairs Geomania of The South Pacific
Delegate The G Rebellion of Taijitu

This repeal of a treaty is now in Formal Discussion.
Considering this treaty is incredibly outdated, and since my home region, The Pacific, repealed it years ago, I support this repeal and say that yes, we should move on to the vote.
I would like to invoke the following clauses of the Regional Assembly Procedures.

A. Whenever the Speaker is absent or unavailable for more than 24 hours (or when there is a vacancy in the office of Speaker), the Regional Assembly member who is available and who (1) is not holding an office and (2) has the longest period of seniority, shall take the chair of the Regional Assembly and preside as Speaker Pro Tempore.
B. In the event the Speaker has designated an Acting Speaker from among the membership of the Regional Assembly, this Rule shall apply with respect to any absence or unavailability of the Acting Speaker that extends beyond 24 hours. The authority of an Acting Speaker shall be stated by the Speaker when the designation is made for a specific absence of the Speaker from the Regional Assembly.
C. The Speaker Pro Tempore (or an Acting Speaker when designated by the Speaker) may perform any act previously noticed by the Speaker within the Regional Assembly, or which is deemed required or necessary for the timely conduct of the business of the Regional Assembly. This authority may extend to the role of chair of the Council of Legal Oversight (but not the Speaker’s vote in the CLO).

It's my understanding that the designated Acting Speaker is Westwind.
That depends on Westwind's delegated scope of authority as Deputy Speaker; in any event Winter Vacationers also has authority to act as the most senior RA member not holding an office, acting as Speaker Pro Tempore.