Medical absence

Just a reminder that I'm having eye surgery on my good eye today, so I may be offline for the day or for the week, I really don't know.
As long as I follow doctor's orders, I should be able to read as long as i don't get headaches. My eye is still dilated and extreme sensitive to light sources, and I have to not do any bending, heavy lifting, or any strenuous activity, but that shouldn't prevent me from being seen online.
Although I'll have to catch up on sleep. Leaving at 4 am and returning at 4 pm does not leave me with energy.

This was unusual. I could see the cataract being broken up and washed out of my eye as the surgery proceeded. Very different.
I'll be having the second and final surgery on my other eye come Friday the 19th. Same drill as last month, although reading won't be impacted since it'll be the other eye that is being addressed. The cataract is more extensive, as it started earlier and the wait for the surgery has been a few more years in the making.
At least I won't have to go looking for the groceries for Thanksgiving; I've got everything here already except the pumpkin pie.
I bought a couple of frozen pumpkin pies to bake when the time comes. The local groceries chains o have their own fresh baked pies, but they seem to add some sort of gelatin (as a cost saving measure) and the taste of that is distracting.
(If I were still in Atlanta, I know exactly where to get a great fresh baked pie at and it would taste right.)
Anyhow, except for stocking up on one item (which I'll do before Friday) that I need to have on hand as a snack at bedtime -- yogurt -- I'm all set to not be driving for a week, again.
Aye, not being able to drive sucks.....I haven't been allowed to drive since June. So when the opportunity comes to get to the store, I do all the stocking up that I can. Thank goodness for my freezer.
I'll be up tonight since it would be difficult for me to sleep for a short time and not be ready to go three hours before sunrise. If last time is any guide, I'll be back home and I';; be able to check online Friday night (my time) but it probably won't be for that long since I'll be as tired as heck and needing sleep.

But I'll try to sign in when I get back Friday afternoon/evening. (Sunset is so early now that I don't know if we'll have sunlight by the time I get home.)