Oddest news ever.


Dead animal beer bottles at £500 each 'perverse'

The End of History - featuring dead animals - comes at £500 a bottle
A beer served in bottles made from stuffed animals has been criticised as "perverse" and "pushing the boundaries of acceptability".

The End of History, made by BrewDog of Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, is 55% and £500 a bottle.

The bottles have been made using seven dead stoats, four squirrels and a hare, said to be roadkill.

However, Advocates for Animals and Alcohol Focus Scotland both condemned the marketing.

BrewDog claims the beer is the world's strongest and most expensive.

Advocates for Animals policy director Libby Anderson told the BBC Scotland news website: "It's pointless and it's very negative to use dead animals when we should be celebrating live animals.

"This seems to be a perverse idea.

"It's just bad thinking about animals, people should learn to respect them, rather than using them for some stupid marketing gimmick."

She added: "I think the public would not waste £500 on something so gruesome and just ignore it."

Barbara O'Donnell, director of services at Alcohol Focus Scotland, said: "This is another example of this company pushing the boundaries of acceptability all in the pursuit of cheap marketing tactics."

Controversial BrewDog has previously been criticised for 32% and 41% strength beers.
Lol only Brew dog could do this.

Punk IPA was the first one I remember and I think it did really well but it seems they have gone a bit off the rails :rofl:
Have respect for some dead stoats and squirrels? How laughable.

*pours rat poison all around to keep those rodents away from his precious things*

Now a beer bottle forcibly inserted into the body of a threatened species...
Personally, I would have designed the bottles a little differently. I would have had the beer pouring out of the squirrel's and stoat's arses. :lol:

Only in Britain could this happen....

Well, you do still have a monarchy. :P