On the Present Situation


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
For the interest of North Pacificans, I posted this statement in The East Pacific, and will be making similar statements to other regions in order to provide information on our present situation on behalf of our government.

The East Pacific:
Dear friends,

I apologize for posting in this area in TEP as an outsider, but as a citizen of The North Pacific (as well as Chancellor of The North Pacific as appointed by the legally elected Delegate, New Kervoskia), I am here to attempt to bring facts from what I have observed to light.

This latest attack on the governing institutions in The North Pacific has been fermenting over the last few months, by one HEM (aka Lower Greece). While I acknowledge that The North Pacific is at present a difficult environment to achieve the amount of perfected "activity" as HEM or his supporters would like, our region is similar to the other feeders. We have a community that is more vibrant than what a game setting can offer. We have built relationships with each other over the years that are cemented, and we are saddened when we see people take advantage of that for their own gain. I myself have done so as we all know, only to later acknowledge the harm one does every time a coup takes place.

A few months ago, HEM attempted to endotart his way to the Delegacy, in order to seize it and institute his own version of "democracy". This was thwarted due to the vigilant actions of not only the Delegate, but of most of our fellow loyal citizens who saw his attempt. Instead of immediately ostracizing him, we instead offered to have him take part in our community, to share his ideas on how to better govern our region in a truly democratic and activity enhancing experience. We had elections in order to select our Delegate, Vice Delegate, and other government members, but due to a sad technicality, he was unable to run. I was the Elections Commissioner in that election, and I regretted being forced to not be able to have his name on the ballot, and asked the Regional Assembly to find a solution for the future.

In Cabinet, we gave him plenty of time to outline what he wished to see for the region, and we were more than willing to work on some of his more reasonable ideas. This is part of the community building experience we wished to see occur. Activity does not have to be government mandated. It can, and frankly should also come from regular citizens who wish to make the changes they wish to see and build an active and prosperous region. Yet, from what I saw, that was not enough for him. He then attempted to remove the legally elected Delegate from office via recall initiative, which is a legal procedure in the region. However, besides him, no other citizen was interested in pursing that route. He then resigned from the region after failing to remove the Delegate via recall, citing time issues.

We now come to the current situation. There are plenty of issues that TNP needs to address. We need to find a way to peacefully meet the needs of our citizens without coming to battle all the time. I do not buy for one minute that responsibility for the current regime is solely in the hands of Shoeless Joe. HEM is "Member 1" of the current regime's forum, and has been promoting his constitution with gusto. TNPers, from what I have noticed, believe that HEM controls the regime, and that concerns us due to his past. We are not afraid of arguments or discussions, indeed, we believe that dialogue makes us stronger.

I am hopeful that East Pacificans here can understand this. TNP wants to have time to be able to hash out new ideas in order to promote a better way to govern ourselves. Yet we can not do that in a climate of division. If East Pacificans are able to and willing to provide either moral or physical support to the stabilization of our region, TNP will be most thankful and will remember any contribution.

Thank you.
I disagree. In my humble opinion the synopsis of Dali's speech is as follows:

Dearest TEP,

HEM is throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get his way. That temper tantrum includes manipulating Joe to do his evil bidding. We do not like it. If you are in the mood, please punish them.

Please wake us up when it's over.
Shoeless Joe:
In summary, TEP, please come save us, so we can go back to sleep until the next rogue comes along.
*Yawns, and rolls over*

But hey, I guess if other regions are wanting information about the situation, you better get HEM to build you a better PR machine to spin your story.

*mumbles something in his sleep about wanting to be back on vacation*
Shoeless Joe has always worked best when someone else is pulling the strings. Goes back at least to the Lexicon days, if not before.
Another day has passed, and although my WA (Chodean Kal) was banjected, I firmly believe that as a region, we can come together to show not only Joe and HEM but the outside world what we are made of as a community and as a region. We must not expect foreigners to come bail us out every time we have difficulties. Although Joe has taken my post to the East Pacificans way out of proportion, in effect he is right. We as a region must fight for what we feel is right.

I would like to ask all loyal members of our community to withdraw their endorsements from Joe if they have not done so already. I ask that all North Pacificans take to the RMB and make their voices loud and clear on what each and every one of us wishes to see. We must communicate with North Pacificans who are not part of this forum and try to bring them on board. We must acknowledge that as a region we have issues that we need to address, and when our region is back under government control, I would like to recommend that we hold an open and transparent Constitutional Convention. We need a system that is realistic to the needs of our citizens and to the realities of the world as we know it now.

This region is for all of us, not one person.
This latest attack on the governing institutions in The North Pacific has been fermenting over the last few months, by one HEM (aka Lower Greece). While I acknowledge that The North Pacific is at present a difficult environment to achieve the amount of perfected "activity" as HEM or his supporters would like, our region is similar to the other feeders. We have a community that is more vibrant than what a game setting can offer. We have built relationships with each other over the years that are cemented, and we are saddened when we see people take advantage of that for their own gain. I myself have done so as we all know, only to later acknowledge the harm one does every time a coup takes place.

Right, this recent event has been a long term conspiracy by myself? I can only say that I wish that were so, the intellect and cunning it would take to maneuver into such a long term position would be a large sum. I would very much like to believer that I possessed such internal power of mind.

Difficult is an understatement, you are holding claim to something that should no longer be yours. You do not own this feeder by birthright, it is your duty to maintain it, to grow it, to strengthen it and yes, to protect it. In all these areas, to the later-most in particular, you have failed spectacularly time and time again. Yet you still hold on to failed institutions and complain about the 'harm' that is being done to them.

I myself, have already made the arguments against passion activity. Whilst it can jump start regional focus and help the region garner activity, we all know in the long run it can harm the region.

But, that is not the argument we are having. You claim, with a straight face, that this coup hurt the community that exists here on z13. This is nothing but a weak attempt of pathos and ethos. Time and time again the response from members of this government during my tenure was that, "nothing could be done," "feeders are always inactive" so-on and so-on.

Few people here wanted to help the region. You are more concerned with keeping this last bit of power within the clutches of your ill-fated oligarchy than to allow a new guard who does hold hope, who does hold passion, and does hold a plan, to take this region and allow it to prosper.

A few months ago, HEM attempted to endotart his way to the Delegacy, in order to seize it and institute his own version of "democracy". This was thwarted due to the vigilant actions of not only the Delegate, but of most of our fellow loyal citizens who saw his attempt. Instead of immediately ostracizing him, we instead offered to have him take part in our community, to share his ideas on how to better govern our region in a truly democratic and activity enhancing experience. We had elections in order to select our Delegate, Vice Delegate, and other government members, but due to a sad technicality, he was unable to run. I was the Elections Commissioner in that election, and I regretted being forced to not be able to have his name on the ballot, and asked the Regional Assembly to find a solution for the future.

In Cabinet, we gave him plenty of time to outline what he wished to see for the region, and we were more than willing to work on some of his more reasonable ideas. This is part of the community building experience we wished to see occur. Activity does not have to be government mandated. It can, and frankly should also come from regular citizens who wish to make the changes they wish to see and build an active and prosperous region. Yet, from what I saw, that was not enough for him. He then attempted to remove the legally elected Delegate from office via recall initiative, which is a legal procedure in the region. However, besides him, no other citizen was interested in pursing that route. He then resigned from the region after failing to remove the Delegate via recall, citing time issues.

The first part is completely true. I admitted that I committed a wrong, I came here to this forum and explained my intentions, extending my efforts to help this government restore TNP to her glory. I'm not a god, I'm not some magical activity creator, but I did have new ideas, and I was ready to do something with them.

Now, here we find ourselves at an impasse with historical trues. Allow me to clarify?

I did run my ideas by the 'cabinet' and those who heard them seemed mildly interested. But upon the actual unopposed re-election of NK, suddenly, it went dark.

NK insisted on appointed some bogus joke cabinet, in which he outlined no portfolio for his inane roles. When I asked him a few questions about some general plans for the next few months, I was more or less laughed outside the room. Knowing that TNP was more inactive than ever, I chose to move for a recall, in the hopes that it would stimulate some serious debate over the state of the region, and perhaps spur NK to get the government into gear.

Alas, the debate that followed was not a debate about this region. Rather, it was a character debate about me. And indeed, that is what we are still seeing today. This statement isn't as much about outlining the situation as it is slamming me, painting me as a villain, contorting my actions into a foul conspiracy against this region. We are having the same character debate we had during the recall 'hearings', and it's getting persistently more desperate.

"Look at what HEM did."
"HEM is clearly pulling the strings."
"Look at how immature HEM is acting here."
"HEM was given a chance, but it wasn't good enough for him."
"HEM is selfish, and is just eager for a bit of power."

On, and on, and on. And it's a fair question. What are my motives? What do I believe? But as interesting as the answers to those queries are, they won't solve the problems that this region is facing. Since day two of this affair, when Shoeless Joe and me spoke, I've made this about The North Pacific and the state she is in. The arguments are are having are over distinctly different questions.

We now come to the current situation. There are plenty of issues that TNP needs to address. We need to find a way to peacefully meet the needs of our citizens without coming to battle all the time. I do not buy for one minute that responsibility for the current regime is solely in the hands of Shoeless Joe. HEM is "Member 1" of the current regime's forum, and has been promoting his constitution with gusto. TNPers, from what I have noticed, believe that HEM controls the regime, and that concerns us due to his past. We are not afraid of arguments or discussions, indeed, we believe that dialogue makes us stronger.

Yet again, what concerns you? My past. My past. What exactly is in my past that perturbs this community so much?

Was it my immediate allocation of help and my personal region's resources to help liberate this very government from the deathgrip of tyrant Matthuis?

Was it my reversal to assist this region in unseating Westwind after witnessing his stranglehold draconian government?

Was it my offer, all those years ago to get involved and assist, just as was my offer 2 months ago?

Was it my determination to have an active government, lead by a Head of Government who has actual goals, nevermind an actual Cabinet who refrains from openly mocking his opposition?

It's not my place to say of course, but I think there are those who have committed crimes more heinous than mine to this region.

I am hopeful that East Pacificans here can understand this. TNP wants to have time to be able to hash out new ideas in order to promote a better way to govern ourselves. Yet we can not do that in a climate of division. If East Pacificans are able to and willing to provide either moral or physical support to the stabilization of our region, TNP will be most thankful and will remember any contribution.

Instead of addressing this paragraph, I want to issue my own closing.

When I came this region after my 'coup attempt', I was stunned by the kindness and the open warmth given to me by this region. Instead of being made a posterchild for failure, I was given the opportunity to rebuild a career. Hell, almost an opportunity to run for delegate.

The people who exist in this community, and who are fighting the new governance, are honorable people. By and large, they are kind people who should never be talked down upon, and should always be respected for their past service. That's why I always attempt to maintain a civil tongue, and for every-time I have failed in that, I apologize.

I'm generally a non-confrontational player. I would always rather make a friend than an enemy. But I've been made into a stubborn, nasty, single minded, egotistical, selfish player. I do not believe, or perhaps rather I hope, that that portrait of me is not who I really am, and the people painting it, do not really believe it.

There's a quote by Woodrow Wilson that I enjoy, "The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.".

I do not know which side will emerge with the banner of victory. I do not know how history will observe this event, (that probably has much to do with the first query), but I do know the strength of the stream.

I do know the challenge of standing up for something.

And if I fail, at least I can speak of the strength of the stream whilst chasing a dream.

Yours, ever humbly,
-HEM Tiberius Anumia
Right, this recent event has been a long term conspiracy by myself? I can only say that I wish that were so, the intellect and cunning it would take to maneuver into such a long term position would be a large sum. I would very much like to believer that I possessed such internal power of mind.
Your mistake there is assuming that you're going to be in power for any length of time. At the moment, it only needs 3 extra WAs to turn up at update, and Shoeless Joe is out.
Yet again, what concerns you? My past. My past. What exactly is in my past that perturbs this community so much?

Just a thought, but perhaps people would not be so focussed on you if you were not so focussed on yourself. I was struck by how often "i" "me" "myself" were used in your long post.

The suspicion is that this coup is not about TNP. It is about YOU. And your posts have done nothing to diabuse this suspicion.
Referring to "insiders" oe outsiders" can be confusing at times. We have old-timers who are part of the community but whose WA's are elsewhere at NS.

That aside, I believe the last rogue was dealt with internal, though it took a while because the endo levels were higher then/

Things do change, though, we have more old-timers these days with influence above minnow, and it certain didn't help SJ that he only had "minnow" influence as Delegate, just like NK.

This tends to demonstrate the long term impact for rogue Delegates of the influence system.
Yet again, what concerns you? My past. My past. What exactly is in my past that perturbs this community so much?

Just a thought, but perhaps people would not be so focussed on you if you were not so focussed on yourself. I was struck by how often "i" "me" "myself" were used in your long post.

The suspicion is that this coup is not about TNP. It is about YOU. And your posts have done nothing to diabuse this suspicion.
I'm sorry, that's how I write. It's how I always write.

I'm honestly sorry you feel that way. Hopefully sometime, when this is all history, you will change your mind.
New Kervoskia:
Well, you lost now HEM. So there's nothing more to discuss.
That's certainly not so.

While silence may be used in lieu of conversation, the methods and means used to discredit myself, Shoeless Joe, and the things we hoped to accomplish should be discussed, and the facts should be debated.

Whilst The Union, lost. I hope in the end, The North Pacific does win.
New Kervoskia:
Fact: You lost.

I there anything I can say that won't look either naive/moronic or douchy?

Probably not, so I shall stick with good luck. :hug:
Having lived through a lot of rogue delegacies now, I can say with some authority that there are only ever losers in such situations.

One side may win the battle, but generally the victory is pyrrhic. Almost always the community is weakened by the struggle.

And yesterday's bad guy often becomes tomorrow's good guy (apart from me, of course - by definition i am always right) and yesterday's enemy tomorrow's friend. I have fought with HEM and against him, against Dali and with him etc.

HEM and SJ lost the battle, obviously. But we lost the preceding peace in creating the frustrating position that led to this coup. A lesson we need to learn.
Yeah its all ended and now we can all be friends again :D

So. What to do first?

Open up some forum topics regarding the specific points Flemingovia mentioned?
Whatever tbh.

Yes TNP has issues, but there are other ways of fixing them than by either:

1. Drafting a new constitution instead of simply amending it.
2. Having a coup / martial law
3. Continuing the succession of oligarchies...

Clearly there needs to be a better way to improve the region <_< :ADN:
Gracius Maximus:
You called it The Union?

That's funny.

I bet no one here remembers why I think so though.
All I can remember is that this acronym stood, once upon a time, for The North Pacific Underground. :)
Gracius Maximus:
You called it The Union?

That's funny.

I bet no one here remembers why I think so though.
'Cause you were on the receiving end of it? :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
NPD was also where the name "Regional Assembly" comes from, unless I'm mistaken. S2 originally called them Registered Voters.
Gracius Maximus:
You called it The Union?

That's funny.

I bet no one here remembers why I think so though.
'Cause you were on the receiving end of it? :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
Umm, no.

The Union was the alliance created to counter the ADN by The Pacific, Sparrow, The German Empire and USSR back a few years ago.

Also, my nation was not ejected in the recent ridiculousness.
NPD was also where the name "Regional Assembly" comes from, unless I'm mistaken. S2 originally called them Registered Voters.
Well, the NPD was a progressive government. If it had not had a powermonger as Delegate it might have been a viable longterm system.